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- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If other drivers are more cautiously around you, it's already a huge win and to some extent offsets your mistakes.
- Comment on Could we send electric data across time? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Could we send electric data across time? 1 year ago:
Please send me the numbers of the lottery numbers last week. As you already know, I will split 50/50.
- Comment on Very free hosting for only $22.95 1 year ago:
That's why it's so fast.
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
Firefox + uBlockOrigin
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
- Comment on Success is built through GAMBA 1 year ago:
Only applies if you won enough already.
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
To be fair there are countless fads that went away again. Spicy autocomplete might very well be one of them. Not every invention has had the success of the automobile or the computers.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments