- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
Oof. Honestly I’m surprised it was only three. At least you finally have a paper trail, if you’ve got any insurance that might cover it.
As for the ISP, there’s always the possibility of requesting assistance directly from them, but they probably have internal rules about handing info to non-law enforcement, regardless of the reason.
And if you’ve got some friends who don’t mind backup for intimidation, you could always show up at each workers door, politely introduce yourself and the reason for your appearance. If any of them immediately slam the door in your face or get defensive upon recognizing you (before you tell them why you’re there) then there’s a good chance they know you’re there because they took something.
Anecdote: this happened with my truck in 2019. Someone broke in and stole about $1500 worth of things from a really nice pair of binocs, to the 2000w inverter, and my hand-made bowie knife, and a couple small camping and fishing things. Had to threaten to call the only supervisor I know by name in the police department to get the guy to even take a report for my insurance. They didn’t bother following up with the woman who told me she saw the guy. A few weeks go by and I see someone fitting his description driving the described car, I follow for a bit and he went home. I parked the truck right up in front of the door, knocked, and as soon as he opened and looked past me to the truck he yelled “GET LOST OR I’LL FUCK YOU UP” and that was all I needed to call the cops. After about an hour of waiting someone showed up, talked to the guy, said “well he said he didn’t do it and we never called this woman for a description so we can’t be SURE”
Well lo and behold, a quick glance into his car showed the 2kw inverter under the dashboard, and I was positive I could see the rather distinct custom leather strap of the binoculars under the seat.
No idea who, but apparently someone smashed the guys window to steal a bunch of stuff out of it and they were kind enough to return my items. Crazy how they knew just where to leave them for me to find.
Best of luck in recovering it. Hopefully you get the quick and less… legally/morally ambiguous way.
- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
“is a lengthy time consuming process”
No, it REALLY isn’t, and any pig that tells you otherwise is trying to get you to drop the issue so they don’t have more paperwork.
They don’t give a shit about your stolen items, and 9/10 times it’s a complete waste to even contact them over “petty theft”, regardless of how valuable the item/s are to you.
- Comment on FTC accuse Microsoft of breaking promise not to raise Game Pass prices after Activision Blizzard deal 8 months ago:
But DO they really care about it? Or is this just to placate the plebs again?
I’ll know they care when they actually manage to do something about it.
- Comment on It May Soon Be Legal to Jailbreak AI to Expose How it Works 8 months ago:
It’s a wild Concept to me that there can be laws that make “finding out how the thing works” illegal…
- Comment on YouTube tests harder-to-block server-side ad injection in videos 9 months ago:
The moment I get an ad is the moment I stop watching it. I survived for many years without cable or internet, I’ll do just fine without youtube
- Comment on China will reportedly install cameras with a facial recognition system in Hungary 10 months ago:
Damn, if I heard my area was installing facial recognition cameras, let alone for china, I’m grabbing a full face mask, and a bat, and swinging at every public facing camera I can reach nightly.
- Comment on Instruments Of Destruction, from one of Red Faction Guerilla's demolition tech wizards, is out in 1.0 now 10 months ago:
I still haven’t finished the game because I keep having fun destroying buildings and reloading.
I had way too much fun in Armageddon just smashing the shit out of structures and rebuilding them… So I could smash them again in a different way.
- Comment on Razer made a million dollars selling a mask with RGB, and the FTC is not pleased 10 months ago:
WOAH there, you can just use words like “bribery”
You have to disguise it.
With a nice neutral word like “lobbying”.
- Comment on U.S.: Responding to the “gunshot detection” tool ShotSpotter, a Chicago police officer opened fire on an unarmed teenager 11 months ago:
My own car has backfired exactly once, and it’s a 90s car. And that was under very specific, non ideal, “I’m trying to get the engine started and I might have held the ignition too long” circumstances.
I can count on one hand the number of backfires I’ve heard in the last 20 years.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
piano playing
Fellas, is it gay to play an instrument?
I know that’s not what you’re saying I just thought it was a funny way to phrase it
- Comment on Corny 1 year ago:
Right up there with “kissing cousins”?
- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
Nothing at all like that in the picture, literally the only thing i can think of is the charging contacts on a cordless phone? But then why not post a picture of a cordless phone.
If it’s not “the hook” (as in “phone is off the hook”) then idk what the OP is asking…
- Comment on Whats your favorite Main Menu music? 1 year ago:
Depends on what mood I’m in.
Currently I’d like to chill, I’m pretty tired, maybe eat an edible if I had one.
So right now I’d have to say the Mass Effect 1 menu music:
There used to be a mix I would fall asleep to several years ago. It was the engine humming mixed with the occasional beeping and status tones like a computer on the bridge, and the main menu music would play very softly every few minutes. Can’t find it anymore, although there are several of those each individually in hour long mixes.
If I want to get pumped though, doom 3 is a good although for actual main menu looping music, I’m going to have to agree with GONADS125, battlefield 1942 never fails to get me up and moving. It’s a very driving song.
- Comment on US kids want games subscriptions and virtual currency more than games this Christmas 1 year ago:
Not pushing harder against subscriptions and scummy practices.
- Comment on 13 years later and I still feel the same. 1 year ago:
I always try to explain to people why I don’t like when they just call my name across a house.
If you would like something, come ask me, or shoot me a message if it’s not super important.
I’m not a dog. I’m not a servant. You will not summon me like one. You will not snap your fingers or whistle to get my attention. If you do, you get ignored.
- Comment on Don't ask dumb questions 1 year ago:
“whatever I wanted” is my answer when I don’t feel like elaborating