- Comment on Valve is working on a version of proton for ARM devices 4 months ago:
Thanks for the explanation!
- Comment on Valve is working on a version of proton for ARM devices 4 months ago:
This would presumably let x86 windows games run on ARM hardware.
Doesn’t that require something quite different?
Proton is improved (matured?) WINE, right? And Wine Is Not an Emulator - the point being it doesn’t emulate hardware, it translates instruction sets. From for-Windows x86 to Linux x86. Can you do that cross cpu architecture?
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
Magic orbs already exist.
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
dd glass. Unbreakable for your bra, or for copying blocks of data. Or both.
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
“Stores data for billions of years!”
Have you tested it?
For how long?
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
WORN: Write Once Read Never.
Soon to be improved as,
WORLD: Write Once Read at Later Date.
It gets a bit harder to market if they’re not sure if they wrote successfully:
Write Hopefully Once Read Eventually
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
Hey I just came here from another thread. Can we send someone back in time to invent Pokémon before Nintendo then sue them?
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
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- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
I used to play Skyrim with a mod that turned off the HUD. Can’t remember the name. I switched off extra options, and it became quite fun sneak-archering with neither crosshairs nor stealth indicator nor enemy radar dots.
- Comment on Plates 1 year ago:
Me too; almost made me jump when it worked so well!
- Comment on Plates 1 year ago:
For me it was a bottom small one that snapped them to right-way-up. With practice and effort I can flip them upside down again, and confirm that I don’t struggle seeing the big one as upside down, but still struggle with some of the bottom ones.
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
So, in the modern world, in some places where people still use horses for normal life (certain remote places) people are actually replacing horses with cars/motorbikes because motorbikes are cheaper to own. The horse you have to feed all year round.
Also of course bikes are also a lot faster, you can park them somewhere and not think about sending them off to graze, and they’re (for the places I know) a status symbol too. That’s not to say they don’t have their downsides, including broken bike frames now rusting across the landscape.
Feels sad to me, but I understand it from the people’s point of view: getting whatever’s best in the now to help their day to day life and economic situation.
- Comment on Burning the calories 1 year ago:
Are these bots in the comments multiple posting? Or is someone having trouble using Lemmy?