- Comment on Report: 82% of US gamers made an in-game purchase in freemium titles in 2023 8 months ago:
Woo, I’m part of the 18% who doesn’t fall for shiny virtual objects for credit card swipes. Annoying in ‘free’ games, infuriating in paid ones.
That 18 should be way, way higher though.
- Comment on How do you download your game on SD OLED? 8 months ago:
But what do I do while that game downloads
- Comment on How do you download your game on SD OLED? 8 months ago:
But how do you get the first game?
🤔 🤔
- Comment on AT&T imposes $10 price hike on most of its older unlimited plans 9 months ago:
Those prices are genuinely and thourally awful. I pay a ton of money for an AT&T small biz line (and watch, and laptop lines) and I get actually-unlimited data for $90 (used to be $80). But you can get a prepaid line through AT&T prepaid for $60 (I believe) that has “unlimited” until 22gb where you are deprioritized until the end of the month. Or cricket, an AT&T-owned prepaid company, has a (supposedly) actual-unlimited option for about the same price, but they limit devices and a few other things.
9gb for the ~same price is highway robbery.
- Comment on Microsoft Gaming CEO: “I think we should have a handheld, too” 9 months ago:
“if only we had a way to like, take a desktop pc and make it, like, not tethered to a power outlet. and made the mouse and keyboard a part of the case. and added a screen and speakers too. too bad we have no idea how to do that.” -Microsoft, as they shove the 10,000 laptops off of the desk. “guess we will have to do it ourselves.”
(yeah yeah a laptop “isn’t a handheld” but you get the stupidity all the same, surely. MS abandoned their platform just to make a different, more constrained platform, and charge people for multi-player. and they want to act like they couldn’t do that 25 years ago for free. fuck off MS.)
- Comment on Here’s your chance to own a decommissioned US government supercomputer 10 months ago:
buys it
just games on it
region-wide blackouts all the time now
“they really should fix that”
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 11 months ago:
That’s what I did on my ThinkPad (the 5G modem card isn’t supported by Linux without building it, and fuck that, staying on some form of windows). I don’t really want to wipe and install fresh everything for my gaming machine, but I think I’ll have to. Unless 11 has changed some UI elements (like reintroducing keyboard shortcuts for context and right click menus), it’s doa for me.
- Comment on Is this bojack? 1 year ago:
I actually really liked the show, and it hit on really dark shit that I can absolutely relate to; and I’m disabled and have been fighting depression for a long time. The day I became disabled, my life ended, and I’m just waiting out the clock until by early demise; but I enjoyed bh.
- Comment on Crypto genius 1 year ago:
The internet is not
the internet, is not a big truck
itititit’s a series of TUBES
- Comment on Crypto genius 1 year ago:
That sounds like a sketchy af bt client lol. “download up to 5x faster and get 69 more boobies per porn with our downloader!”
- Comment on Sdrawkcab suseJ 1 year ago:
That poor penis
- Comment on The advancement of humanity 1 year ago:
Yeah, we all know rock stars taste much better
- Comment on One small step for man, one giant leap for a disabled man 1 year ago:
As a disabled dude, I laughed harder than you would think
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
- Comment on Save thousands 1 year ago:
Basically what I specified in my will
- Comment on Save thousands 1 year ago:
someone else’s problem
Me, looking at the semi approaching from the opposing direction of the highway:
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
I mean, we do have an overpopulation issue… what’s a little bit of death by being trapped in a hole going to cause, really. They are helping us all!
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Yeah, realizing you’ve trapped yourself with nobody to help, only your rapidly approaching death, really gets me going. Fun for the whole family (but one at a time)!
- Comment on High Art 🧐🎩 1 year ago:
Worth the watch then? Looking to add some new movies to my collection
- Comment on How do I self host data? 1 year ago:
While the ‘global’ calendar I’m not 100% sure on (sharing a calendar with all users I guess does it), synology does everything else. I’ve had my folks slowly migrate to my server over the last couple years, and we haven’t done calendars yet (hence my uncertainty) we have files, photos, I have todo and calendar, along with plex and others. It has to just work and be inexpensive, and this nas checks both boxes (hardware notwithstanding; no subscription costs).
- Comment on How do I self host data? 1 year ago:
I’ve been looking at replacements/upgrades for my ds1019+ for a bit now (year or so out, just researching) but it looks like synology has it pretty locked-in for user-friendliness. TrueNAS doesn’t seem to have the UI/multitasking (for example, trying to setup a container and also need to edit firewall rules, and want to see them both on screen to verify that you aren’t about to dive into an hour-long frustration session), official tools (especially their mobile counterparts) look ancient but they work well enough, and while it doesn’t do everything I want from the gui it does everything important and feels like it isn’t exposing me to gotchas or issues that I might get myself into. A lot of times when people start an forum answer with “just ssh into the box” I’m like “nah I don’t need animated cat gifs as my desktop that bad”.
But I do wish it was foss. I feel the positive points I just listed wouldn’t exist, though, so… I guess I’m happy it’s not? Foss projects having programmers do UI is such a downfall for many projects, but I imagine it’s hard to get a UI designer on board with the promise of “exposure” instead of “actual money that will keep you from being evicted”. And most systems tools that are open-source are like “here is the garage, there are the tools, bye” and you’ve never seen a ‘hammer’ or ‘screwdriver’ in your life. I don’t want to get a masters degree to run a home server, ya know?