- Comment on Turkish student creates custom AI device for cheating university exam, gets arrested 9 months ago:
I think I misinterpreted what the word “arrested” means… I thought that means jail time. And I thought that’s a crime that should be punished with a fine or some hours of community service. And being expelled.
- Comment on Turkish student creates custom AI device for cheating university exam, gets arrested 9 months ago:
Nice one. But a bit worrying that you get arrested for cheating in Turkey.
- Comment on AMD intros Ryzen AI 300 chips with Zen 5, better GPU, and hugely improved NPU 9 months ago:
What’s the memory bandwith if I were to run large language models on them? Does it get close to the Apple chips?
- Comment on Binit is bringing AI to trash 9 months ago:
Yeah. I’d say if you’re throwing away paper coffee cups regularly, you’re already way worse than me who uses regular porcelain cups with nerdy text on them or my trusty stainless steel travel mug. Maybe you really need to be educated by some ChatGPT smart appliance.
- Comment on FCC proposes all AI-generated content in political ads must be disclosed 10 months ago:
Agree. Came here to say the same. And it’s not even far from what we’ve been doing in the past. When taking text or pictures from other people, we were/are also forced to mention that because of copyright. We could just do the same for AI generated content.
- Comment on Nvidia will now make new AI chips every year 10 months ago:
Agree. And the voting is stupid most of the times. I also regularly see correct answers to a post with several downvotes. Or (false) urban legends being upvoted to no end… The Lemmy votes are kind of meaningless and have been for quite some time. It just shows if an opinion or article pleases the masses.
- Comment on Downranking won’t stop Google’s deepfake porn problem, victims say 10 months ago:
I’m not sure there is a way to regulate deepfakes. I don’t think the technology is the issue. It’s more or less misusing a tool. As you can use a car to murder someone, you can also use generative AI to harm people. The thing itself is just a tool and was made for a different and valid purpose.
The issue is culture, and enforcing law on the internet. It sometimes still is the wild west. We’d need means of getting a hold of the places that host these deepfakes. Or provide services to generate unethical content. It’s them who should be held responsible and forced to take that offline. Not Google nor Generative AI as a general tool.
- Comment on Could we send electric data across time? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Doesn't each community being local to each instance split the audience? 1 year ago:
You’re right. Especially for news articles I find that annoying. I could understand that if it was some personal project someone is really into. But posting the n-th article on the same topic in world politics in politics, world_politics, europe, … and then also repeating that in a community with the same name, just on a different server is a bit too much in my eyes.
maybe reddit will eventually design an app that’s not hot garbage, and I can return there
Mmh. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Things like that only get more shitty. Have a look at the other social media platforms. And I think Reddit have revealed their true face, earlier this year. I don’t think I want to go back there. Maybe if I feel opportunistic and leave my ethics aside for a moment. But not full time.
But I don’t think Lemmy will improve on that, soon. There are many more issues to tackle and I haven’t seen big improvements in the last months. I mean I still have bugs open on interface bugs for months now and the developers seem to be busy with other stuff. I don’t think cosmetic changes or bigger usability-improvements will happen fast. I think I can live with that as of now, but I’d love to see Lemmy handle things like this better.
- Comment on Doesn't each community being local to each instance split the audience? 1 year ago:
Yes. And some people post to multiple communities and you get the same post twice unless your app handles this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I think so, too. Object recognition is something that’s already available. But it’s probably not possible to determine for example the brand and model of your computer or television. Or how many forks are inside if your drawer.
That is without you picking every single item up and doing close-ups. And you’d need to open all drawers, cupboards, boxes and your wardrobe anyways.
- Comment on What is the point of individually wrapping cheese slices in plastic, only to cover a bunch of them in more plastic? 1 year ago:
It probably melts and you have one block of cheese once it’s on the shelves.
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How to get rid of blood stains from paper? 1 year ago:
I doubt you can remove blood from paper. Tear out the page or put a sticker on the stains.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
Okay. Haven’t heard of that… What’s the reasoning behind that?
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
I’m not so sure. I get why it is the way it is. I think these numbers are called Highly composite numbers. That’s why we got 12 and 60.
But it comes with issues. As I said you start with the 12 and then the one. That’s probably because the number zero has a complicated past. And now you have the clock going around twice a day and you need to prefix everything with am/pm. Or it’s clear from the context.
I think the number Pi is the same complicated concept. Why half around the circle and you need to memorize all the '2’s in the formulas? Why not make it once around the circle and use tau = 6.28… ?
So I think I can understand why we got there. But we have the number 0 nowadays. And electric light so we can stay up till 1am. So it seems an outdated concept to me to keep the 12 around. And if it were elegant, you wouldn’t need to specify which turn of the clock you’re talking about.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
Rly? Is midday 12 hours before or after midday, then?
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
Ah, you’re right. The week starts on ‘Yom Rishon’ and ends on ‘Yom Shabbat’. So starting your week on Sunday is correct in the Hebrew calendar.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
Yeah, thanks. I don’t know how to get this into my brain. For me it’d just make as much sense that 12:01PM was 00:01. I always drift into looking at it like numbers in a succession… 10am, 11am, 12am, 1pm, … but that’s wrong. And the latin origin doesn’t help me either. Noon is neiter ‘before midday’ neither “post meridiem”. But it makes sense that the day starts at 00:00 with something AM and it keeps being AM for the fist half.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
Not that you asked, but the thing that I have most issues with is the AM in that time. I think you should drop that and just count to 23 instead of to 12. It always confuses me if 12am is noon or midnight. And it’s superfluous anyways. We have enough numbers, no need to be stingy.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
five (minutes) past six
- Comment on How do I self host data? 1 year ago:
Have a look at projects like Nextcloud and Yunohost (a solution that does many services). Both run eiher on a cloud server / VPS. Or on a SBC or an old laptop at home (once you manage to get the port forwarding in your router right). It’s a bit of a learning curve but not rocket science.