- Comment on A 25-Year-Old Is Writing Backdoors Into The Treasury’s $6 Trillion Payment System. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1 month ago:
Fucker thinks hes Gus Gorman in Superman III and thinks salami slicing is his get rich quick scheme.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Wow, honestly I’ve not seen such a self own for a while. Even though it’s been deleted it still shows the user name who posted it, which isn’t mine. You’re getting mad at your own lack of ability to read properly, again.
It’s even in your screen shot, but I’ve circled it here as that seems to help you.Image
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
What utter nonsense, I would expect that from someone who doesn’t even read their own supporting links.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
What, like this?
I grew up in a deprived area. Both my parents were alcoholics. I grew up learning how to survive the hard way. But I got a lucky break early on. I have paid my way since I was 20 and retired on my own cash at 55. My kids have absolutely no idea what that sort of life entails. This idea that you can put people down because they lost out on the genetic lottery is incredibly insulting.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
I answered them with my own, best way to deal with such obvious bad faith leading questions.
I cannot stand the pretence that the issue wasn’t already here before austerity. I have mentioned in other responses already including the one you just replied to about the impact of austerity so you are getting mad at nothing here. For example, lack of specialist schools to send them to I have mentioned a few times now.
What caused the most harm was Cameron’s hard on for sure start despite the good progress it was having with long term behaviour improvements. He fully intended to gut it before the 2008 crash so it would have happened with or without austerity.
Shit parents produce shit kids who become shit parents in the main. Sure start interrupted that process.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Do you believe that kids never acted out before austerity? Or is it something that only happened because of austerity?
Do you think that schools don’t try to engage with the kids and parents and get told to fuck off? That parents refuse to get their kids diagnosed for autism or ADHD? Refuse to have them medicated as directed by their doctor or sent to the correct school?
Do you think schools have gotten worse at behaviour management strategies or have they actually got access to far more approaches than before?
I actually think it’s far easier to get issues such as autism and ADHD diagnosed as a child in the last ten years if you can actually get an appointment.
Pretending that it’s down to austerity when the problems existed and made worse before due to the government of time not wanting to fall foul of ECHR and its own supreme court is just bad. Has it accelerated yes, but created by? Absolutely not.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
To state anything other than that is beyond crass.
Never stated that, please try harder, always stated they should be sent to the correct school for their needs.
Actually you did that first:
We had poor houses not long before this also. People are expected to hold 2 jobs just to live these days. You cannot work long hours and look after kids at the same time. It is this sort of selfish attitude that has empowered the Tories to push the standards as far as we see now. We don’t need a race to the bottom.
I’m revising your trolling rating to a U its that bad.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Your link says nothing about improving outcomes of existing secondary school children just that they attend school more. The two are not directly linked, the worst children often have the highest attendance and are often the first ones there and the last to leave as their home life is so bad.
Its also a pathetic privileged attitude to assume that all of these kids are poor.
Equating prison with expelling kids to behavioural schools is just pathetic as well.
F+ for trolling, at least I hope thats what it is.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Other parents manage it in the same area, same backgrounds. Besides once kids get to this point in secondary school its usually too late to intervene in place as the behaviours have become in grained.
Cameron cancelling sure start due to his dislike of the state telling parents what to do caused a lot of the long term behaviour problems we are experiencing. However even if you reintroduced it bigger and better than it ever was it still takes around a decade before it showing real improvement at secondary school.
What we need is solutions for the existing cohort, and frankly hand waving what is causing mass disruption for students that actually want to work, lowering their life time outcomes, is not addressing the problem giving them a free pass.
You could introduce UBI tomorrow or double minium wage and it would do next to fuck all for this problem. The parents do not give a shit, and/or do not have the skills, and/or the kids are too far gone to fix the majority of the problem.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
While this is all true, and I agree that it is a big part of it, the lack of actual consequences for the worst behaved kids at schools is why schools are struggling. You used to be able to properly expel children instead you now exclude, and unless its exceptional circumstances you have to take them back if no other school will take them. Even in the event of exceptional circumstances the kid has a legal right to education so the LA has to provide this somewhere, usually in isolation at the same school, which drags resources from elsewhere from a very limited budget.
Going back far enough and we used to have schools for this group of children that they would get transferred to who had the staff ratios and skills to deal with them properly but they mostly got shut or moved private as part of this change.
Once the kids work out that there are no consequences to their action what do you think will happen?
Couple this with kids who do not belong at a standard school because of behavioural and learning disabilities because there are not enough places at specialist schools and/or their parents straight up refuse to have them diagnosed (and the primary school deliberately omitted it from the hand over) and you end up with way too many kids who are next to impossible to manage.
I am talking about kids who you are not allowed to make loud noises in the class room, or boys that are not allowed to sit next to girls because they get grabby, or kids that throw chairs at teachers, or kids that bring knifes to school, or sell drugs. Without the schools that are geared up to handle them, and a robust process to move them to these schools that takes weeks not terms to do this is not going to get better.