- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
Hmm, source?
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
No one wants to rent. Sure landlords serve a purpose in this capitalist hellhole, but if people could live in a single family home that they own most would take that option to rather than be beholden to some shithead that takes a 3rd of your income and just brings you problems
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
I have never seen it and I’ve been renting for 20 years (omg thst is so depressing). I can imagine a landlord with a poorly set up payment processor possibly having it, but that is a stressful ch
- Comment on Am I the only one pissed off at these holiday sales? (US) 1 year ago:
Back before Amazon (I’m sure it still exists I just haven’t been in retail), on Black Friday we had a loss leader that would bring people to the store. In our case it was a pallet of DVD players. We priced them at break even at our cost to get them to the store so we would lose money on the sale if you accounted for labor. The goal was to entice people into the store so they would buy our other crap.
I wouldn’t be surprised if “loss leaders” aren’t actually losing money these days with how our Corporations are doing.