beep boop
- Comment on Bluesky will trap academics in the same way Twitter/X did 3 weeks ago:
Bluesky enshittification has already started. You needed 3rd party clients to use it properly from day one and they have central control over the whole platform. It will only take some politically controversial event and they will quickly show their true colors.
- Comment on Modder transforms Steam Deck with broken display into a mini PC, and you can too 4 weeks ago:
Nah 350€ is really good value for that hardware, but only tinkerers would buy it because mainboards in the steandeck almost never break i would assume. I think the issue is more that valve wouldnt get any ROI from selling a mainboard without steamOS on it because it might not be used for gaming.
- Comment on Modder transforms Steam Deck with broken display into a mini PC, and you can too 4 weeks ago:
From the beginning i just wanted valve to sell a standalone mainboard for exactly this purpose.
- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 2 months ago:
Yes we do, it is involved with military things and is technically a US military contractor
- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 2 months ago:
I mean yeah, they arent just a game company even if thats all people know them for. Its like calling Samsung a phone company.
- Comment on Data centers powering artificial intelligence could use more electricity than entire cities 3 months ago:
If i ever hear someone complain about CERN / LHC power consumption again i will just slap them.
- Comment on Valve dev details more on the work behind making Steam for Linux more stable 4 months ago:
Yeah sadly it just broke things for me. I appreciate the general idea but if it breaks games on stable debian then its not ready for release.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 5 months ago:
Most people that i know that use the word toxic, are the things that they mean when they say toxic.
- Comment on Norway to increase minimum age limit on social media to 15 to protect children 5 months ago:
In a couple (maybe most at this point idk) EU countries you can use your ID in combination with your phones NFC and an open source app to prove certain parameters like age to sites, without giving up any identifying information. This is what should be used here and not fucking bank accounts.
- Comment on Norway to increase minimum age limit on social media to 15 to protect children 5 months ago:
It also gives parents assurance that they arent crazy for restricting their kids access to these hell sites.
- Comment on Wikipedia is under assault: rogue users keep posting AI generated nonsense 5 months ago:
Nah i think its good to see. I wouldnt wanna walk around with glasses that filter out anyone wearing nazi symbols or something like that.
- Comment on Wikipedia is under assault: rogue users keep posting AI generated nonsense 5 months ago:
Your dumb ass probably wouldnt even know what NATO is without Wikipedia.
- Comment on Google Will Track Your Location ‘Every 15 Minutes’—‘Even With GPS Disabled’ 5 months ago:
Thats true but im not sure if i have more trust in the cops than google. The requests for cell location data are instantly waved through usually.
- Comment on Google Will Track Your Location ‘Every 15 Minutes’—‘Even With GPS Disabled’ 5 months ago:
Unless you physically remove the entire SIM module from your phone, this is not solvable. I have a degoogled phone too, but as long as you use a SIM card, you are being tracked.
- Comment on YouTube Premium subscribers are reporting price hikes around the globe 5 months ago:
They would get shit on in court if they did that. Amazon tried with prime and was not successful.
- Comment on Twenty percent of hard drives used for long-term music storage in the 90s have failed 6 months ago:
Words have meaning, doesnt matter what some company says.
- Comment on Twenty percent of hard drives used for long-term music storage in the 90s have failed 6 months ago:
Yeah no, thats not an “archive” you are talking about thats just a bunch of storage. Archives are for things like historical, government, artistic data. That stuff sits in airtight cases on tape storage in a bunker.
Obviously any drive that is constantly in use to deliver data to customers is gonna die, thats never going to change. But these were actually intended to be used for archiving but failed at doing exactly that.
- Comment on Twenty percent of hard drives used for long-term music storage in the 90s have failed 6 months ago:
Isnt the standard preservation system tape drives? They tested the longevity of different storage solutions ages ago to avoid stuff like this.
- Comment on Phone companies to be asked to help tackle rise in snatch thefts 6 months ago:
Maybe a bit cynical, but this sounds like an attempt at making it possible to remotely backdoor or at least disable the phones of people the government doesnt like. You can already track a phones location as soon as it is powered on. They should just get the phones back to the owner instead of bricking them.
- Comment on Clearview AI hit with its largest GDPR fine yet as Dutch regulator considers holding execs personally liable 6 months ago:
Pleeease. Put them all in jail. Never let them out. We need to set an example for the cesspool that is silicon valley.
- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
Yeah i would feel shattered aswell :/
- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
Bro left out the most important part (i know you are said OP, its okay)
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
I assume so. I signed it earlier. You can either fill out a form or use your ID to verify your identity online.
If your country shows up in the list, then it should work. eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home
- Comment on TikTok pulls feature from Lite app in EU over addiction concerns 11 months ago:
Good good. Increasingly gameified social media is a cancer on society and young people especially.
- Comment on OpenTable is adding your first name to previously anonymous reviews 11 months ago:
Yeah the fake reviews are a problem. One solution to this could be an untrackable cryptographic review authorization QR code on the bill. That way only people that were actual customers could give a review. You could still just spout bullshit ofc but its would be harder and couldnt be done with bots.
- Comment on OpenTable is adding your first name to previously anonymous reviews 11 months ago:
I said it before and i will say it again. Stop giving websites your real contact information. This is ground rule No 1 of how to internet.
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
That is a good point and might be true, but statistics people deal with that kind of bias all the time and can also adjusted for it. But yeah who knows what kind of people are responsible for these surveys at valve.
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
Yeah that is insanely unbelievable. Maybe a tenth of that is barely realistic but 15k of sample error would mean that valve is completely shit at selecting a good sample.
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
Do you know what the sample size for it is? Probably in the millions i would expect. If thats the case then i dont think 0.3% is just noise, but it also doesnt really show anythimg of value.
- Comment on Hackers poison source code from largest Discord bot platform 11 months ago:
Ayeee, lets hope discord dies from it. Not realistic but one can hope.