- Comment on Recommendations for games to listen to audiobooks to? 7 months ago:
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate, while I love the games music, it’s not necessary since it’s a tower defence game.
- Comment on Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract 10 months ago:
There is a handful of smaller communities that still exists that are still good. But most of them are gone or filled with content farming spam.
- Comment on New to Steam Deck and PC gaming, I'm looking for game recommendations... 1 year ago:
Exploration and slime optimization.
The exploration was more just looking around, and since the game is finished I can explore to my heart’s content.
As for slime optimization, the farm has only so many plots of land. So mixing your slimes into mixed slimes lets you feed the slimes easier to feed and maintain.
The goal being a farm that doesn’t create monsters from free roaming plorts while making the most money.
I’m in it for the exploration and without guides its a good time sink
- Comment on New to Steam Deck and PC gaming, I'm looking for game recommendations... 1 year ago:
Oh and for games that will just kill your down time (if that’s what you are looking for).
With mouse and Keyboard
- Civilization 5 or 6
- Cities Skylines
- Jurassic World Evolution
- Kerbal Space Program
With just a gamepad
- Elder Scrolls 4/5
- Fallout 3/4/New Vegas (in order)
- GTA San Andreas (though if you can PCSX2 with the widescreen patch)
- Batman Arkham Asylum/City/Knight
- Saints Row 2/3/4
- Watch_Dogs (can’t say how nice UPlay will be with no login)
With multiple controllers (and friends)
- TMNT Shredders Revenge
- Castle Crashers
- Most ROM bundles like Disney Afternoon, Capcom Arcade Stadium, Sega Genesis Collection etc.
- Comment on New to Steam Deck and PC gaming, I'm looking for game recommendations... 1 year ago:
Lemmy communities you should keep an eye out for is: ! for freebees and discounts. The other social media site that shall not be named also has a similar community with the same name.
As for new games when in doubt, Humble Bundle. They currently have some fantastic game deals right now if you are a fan of Capcom or Indi games. Outside of the Destiny 2 bundle I’ve heard nothing but positives from them.
Now as you say you are new to PC gaming I’m going to recommend you some niche/personal fav games of mine that either aren’t on consoles, or aren’t know well on consoles.
Antichamber, a first person “shooter”, that’s more of a mind bending puzzle game. The most atmospheric game I’ve played and a wonderful time.
Most thing from Valve, Half Life 1 & 2, Left for Dead, etc. All good fund and often onsale for dirt cheap. Get it if you find it for the right price. The YouTube series “Freeman’s Mind” is worth a watch if you want a see what the gameplay is like.
Portal 1 & 2, Valve FPS and puzzle games. Well known, and obviously recommended. Play in order is advised.
Slime Rancher if you are looking for a framing game in the first person
Star Wars Dark Forces, Star Wars in the Doom Engine. Not the biggest fan but it’s the first in a series of fun adventure games.
Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II, This is an interesting genera of game. It is a FPS, but it’s in the mission structure of the old doom games. With a narrative of Star Wars. There are light sabers, and you can cut off your enemies limbs. Fun time
Star Wars Jedi Knight II/Jedi Academe, aka Dark Forces III. Same as the first game but you get your saber quicker. Had a blast with academe.
Super Hot: Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot.
Team Fortress 2. Team based hero FPS before Overwatch. I’ve heard the quality went down recently but I haven’t checked.
Wolfenstein The New Order. Just a very angry dude killing nazi’s what’s there not to love.
- Comment on SEGA Reveal Teasers (Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi & More) 1 year ago:
The SEGA at the end caught me off guard.
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
The ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Such a wonderful soundtrack an story.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
A mix between Lego Indiana Jones on PSP and Assassins Creed Syndicate. Hurray free givaways