The newly announced “Public Content Policy” will now join Reddit’s existing privacy policy and content policy to guide how Reddit’s data is being accessed and used by commercial entities and other partners.
I’m sad how far Reddit has fallen from its peak.
At the same time, I’m quite glad I left it a year ago. 7 months ago
Oh so now the data is being sold instead of given away freely lmao 7 months ago
See my other comments in this thread. Mangle your previous Reddit comments however you see fit, and let them sell your mangled garbage… 7 months ago
If you think Reddit doesn’t have a versioning system for comments, I have some bad news for you. Assume everything you post online is public forever. 7 months ago
Run it through an AI to accelerate model collapse. In fact make more comments, but run all through an AI first. 7 months ago
I used a tool to mangle my comments last June, manually verifying that every single comment in my decade+ account history was changed.
About a month ago I looked at my profile, and several comments — including ones on the first page of my profile (that I definitely know would have been edited, that close to the top) — were reverted to their unedited state.
I wonder if an edit then delete would do it - multiple steps. 7 months ago
in their defense, it was probably also being sold before.