- Comment on Playable GTA 6 map mod Project Vice is no more following Take-Two copyright strike 2 days ago:
“you’re not getting a PC release any time soon, but also fuck you just in case you were wondering.”
- Comment on New No Man's Sky update adds walkable gas giants among "trillions" of new planets, just in case you were running out 1 month ago:
Finally! I’ve been waiting forever for this update! It’s freaking huge!
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 2 months ago:
As far as I know there have been no meaningful changes to the game other than the addition of a ground vehicle and the dlc everyone seems to hate.
I really really really really wanted to like the game, but the bean counters won again and had an incredibly soulless safe product released for all audiences. As they say, a game for everyone is a game for no one. :/
The way I got around what you mentioned in the spoiler was to just save my second playthrough as the “real one” so what you do still mattered.
- Comment on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hits Over 2 Billion Mod Downloads 2 months ago:
…I may or may not have just bought a new NVME drive so I could handle the lorerim mod and not have to delete everything else on my drive.
500GB total is pretty disgusting for a mod to be honest.
- Comment on Trump’s likely FCC chair wrote Project 2025 chapter on how he’d run the agency 4 months ago:
Looks like I’ll be cancelling my already stupidly expensive Internet service… I hate these fucking people…
Back to the stone age with all of their fucked up “policies.”
- Comment on Should devs tell people about launch bugs in advance? “It’s an interesting problem” says Starfield and Skyrim designer 5 months ago:
“On the one hand we only care about your money, but on the other hand we only care about your money. It’s tough.”
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 5 months ago:
BlizzardMicrosuck: “Don’t you all have bank accounts?” - Comment on Cloud Imperium quietly steal Star Citizen developers' weekends from under them with mandated overtime in the lead up to Citizencon 5 months ago:
Yeah but leave it to journos to never miss a chance to shit on star citizen for clicks. I seriously doubt they actually care.
Half the time I make the mistake of giving them a click it’s lazy unresearched shit… CIG has a lot of problems for sure, but “the media” loves to profit off of SC bashing.
- Comment on FTC accuse Microsoft of breaking promise not to raise Game Pass prices after Activision Blizzard deal 8 months ago:
Isn’t this exactly what Chevron Deference was about? I don’t know how clearly defined the law actually is, but this seems like a prime case for the rubber stamp SCOTUS to jump on and say “actually according to a pig shit farmer from 9500bc the law was meant to mean that monopoly power is awesome.”
- Comment on Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract 10 months ago:
We’re nothing but money to them.
Welcome to capitalism?
Always has been.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
Capcom cuntrags get me with monster hunter every time… They do the same bullshit and I hate it.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
Because those people aren’t currently needed for the things that need to be done in sq42. They didn’t move everyone, it seems like a lot of the people they’ve spoken about moving over are art related and some tech people that aren’t needed for “polishing.”
Star citizen hit a point where they knew that large complicated tech was going to take time to implement and they couldn’t progress with content as the servers can’t handle it until the aforementioned tech is in so I think they made a reasonable decision to pull as many people over to SQ42 while the networking people and the core tech people worked on star citizen. Within the next few months we’re going to see if they can complete that core tech needed for the servers and that will allow for work to continue on as far as content/future systems.
All that said, Chris is absolutely horrendous at giving dates and I’m glad he stopped himself at citizencon this year. I would love to ask him what made him think 2020 was a reasonable estimate for anything lol
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
That’s why I like what star citizen is doing. Fdev is not only beholden to shareholders that force out unfinished unpolished crap lacking in content, but they have 262828 other games to focus on so they took the lazy way out: get a minimally viable product out and then axe most of what braben talked about elite being in favor of small lore additions and an attempt at FPS stuff but again as lazily as possible.
I loved what elite wanted to be but I hate the greed and laziness. I’ll wait another 10 years for star citizen for it to be the best game ever because I know for a fact no one is ever going to attempt this again, it’s too expensive and no company will ever spend the money if they have a publisher.
These comments sections are almost laughable because we see the dichotomy of gamers “OmG TeN YeAr AlPhA!” but every other game it’s “OMG DELAY IT! ITS NOT FINISHED!”
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
… That is how it works? You aren’t in beta until you’re feature and content complete, that’s the final stage for any game. Alpha is mostly content complete, but pretty much always feature complete.
The people who bastardized the usage of those words are the steam early access devs that call a game with 1 feature completed and almost no content an EA beta.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
Honestly, I don’t see star citizen being “complete” for another 5-6 years lol next year will be awesome though if they can get server meshing implemented so they can try to nail down server performance. Right now it’s atrocious lol
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
That and they release their financial reports every year…
The people in this thread are astoundingly hateful idiots that are just doing the groupthink thing to be part of a group that lets them feel “smarter than you.” It’s really disappointing to see this every time star citizen is mentioned, but I’ll just continue to enjoy it and then welcome all these people when it’s completed as they suddenly stop hating on it because it isn’t fashionable anymore.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
It’s almost never worth discussing star citizen with haters, they just love to hate they don’t care about nuance. The hate is the bandwagon and they get to feel smarter than other people for being on the “right side.”
Nothing will change their mind until the game is declared 1.0 complete and then they’ll act like they never hated the game and they just wanted to wait for release.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
That’s the plan. They started with star citizen being the focus and then 2 years ago they pulled most of the staff to finish SQ42. Now that they’re in the “polishing phase” for sq42 they have started pulling people back to work on star citizen. Next year is going to be big for star citizen, very very important core tech being implemented and a deluge of content should come with the reallocation of workers to star citizen.
Source: I’m literally obsessed with star citizen/sq42 and know too much about it, send help. (My wallet is ok lol)
- Comment on What did UAW members at the "Big 3" gain with their strike? 1 year ago:
“Everyone is entitled to 11% from their employer”
That sounds an awful lot like a socialism and from what I’ve been told just doing a socialism once will bring a dictator to your door who will genocide your entire population.
F’s in chat for Norah. :(