No fix the known bugs and then release. Release when its ready
Should devs tell people about launch bugs in advance? “It’s an interesting problem” says Starfield and Skyrim designer
Submitted 5 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
If there are non-breaking bugs I’m OK with that listed in release notes, but other than that I completely agree with you. Too often there are major issues at release, especially with Bethesda. 5 months ago
Just delay the release and finish the game. I’m not paying to be a beta tester. I want the game-breaking AND immersion-breaking AND fps-reducing bugs fixed before launch. Games are expensive and while I don’t think that’s a bad thing, there’s still a bar I expect it to pass before it feels like a good value. 5 months ago
“On the one hand we only care about your money, but on the other hand we only care about your money. It’s tough.” 5 months ago
Lol, another one of those “players expect perfection”. No, they don’t, but buggy games like Cities Skylines 2 should’ve never been released. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 should’ve been delayed on consoles and not released on old consoles at all, to fix critical PC bugs first. I can understand the issue of infinite delay and finite money, but some games should’ve been delayed just a bit more to not release in a mess.
Starfield however isn’t that buggy, it’s the typically Bethesda-Jank, but what is much worse is the boring game. Not bugs are the big issue. Starfield should’ve never been released or been much cheaper to cover some of the cost, but instead they hype it and sell ultimate editions not worth the price. It’s lying.