- Comment on Nintendo DS emulator DraStic became free of charge after Yuzu case 11 months ago:
Unfortunately, just shows most of these people were in it for the wrong reasons.
If they were in it for legit game preservation reasons, there would be zero reason to do anything.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s not as safe as driving sober, but driving drunk is far worse for your capacity than being high.
- Comment on Twitch Will Shut Down Its Streaming Platform in South Korea 1 year ago:
Negative press costs money too. There will be unforeseen costs related to this move.
- Comment on Twitch Will Shut Down Its Streaming Platform in South Korea 1 year ago:
Which would cost you more in the end, so if removing it costs more, you keep it in.
That’s what’s a loss leader is……
- Comment on Twitch Will Shut Down Its Streaming Platform in South Korea 1 year ago:
Dang, stores better get rid of their loss leaders than.
Sometimes you gotta take a small loss for the overall benefit of the company/system.
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
How do you know it can’t? What the limitation?
Stop the gyros, take the picture activate again if needed to keep momentum.
There’s ways, you’re just not thinking creatively enough and you also aren’t providing actual explanations for why.
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
Why would you need to? What would strip the momentum after it’s built up?
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
With reaction wheels could they not build up momentum over time to achieve the appropriate spin rate to match earths rotation?
After that it would just be timing and they could also layer multiple images together to work out details in theory.
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
Is it an actual limitation of the hardware or a software safety limit? The designs are similar it more has to do with limitations put on it.
They mention they can’t because the gyro vibrates, so it does sound like it’s capable of spinning faster it’s limited for specific reasons.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
They have done plenty of other optimizations already. So why would you think that?
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
Like the other satellites do as well yeah?
- Comment on What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth? - Minute Earth are working together with xkcd to animate "What If" questions! 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t tracking be software and not hardware?
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
The optimizations would have been done eventually anyways and Xbox had policies that they had to bend just to have the game on their systems.
People can say the game is coming, but that doesn’t mean it’s happening, it’s already been an issue and will be a continuing issue going forward.
If the game does release, it won’t be the same game as the X, not a chance.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
So did BG3 at the start and we all know how that went. Microsoft had to reneg on multiple policies just so they could have the game on their consoles.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
Well Microsoft has already shown they will cave to have a game, so probably just won’t be on it so it can still be on an Xbox in some form.
- Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year ago:
They explain multiple ways to do it in the video. A circle with a radius of 2 and a circle with a radius of 3 would be 5.
- Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year ago:
It’s in the video.
- Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year ago:
- Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year ago:
Add the radius together. If the circle is inside. A-B 3-1 = 2.