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- Comment on Revolt server ( Linux + Steam Deck devs / creators) 2 weeks ago:
Thanks, that’s helpful!
- Comment on Revolt server ( Linux + Steam Deck devs / creators) 2 weeks ago:
I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t used discord much. But to my untrained eye it seems like bad IRC. So out of curiousity, why is this (or discord for that matter) better than IRC?
- Comment on Nike’s Air Max 1000 are almost entirely 3D-printed 4 months ago:
I mean … I would … but I certainly wouldn’t waste my time printing those abominations 🤮
- Comment on Meta must face FTC trial that could separate Instagram and WhatsApp 4 months ago:
I thought it was mostly about who had told him he’s the best big boy the most recently …
- Comment on Meta must face FTC trial that could separate Instagram and WhatsApp 4 months ago:
There’s no news about Zuckerberg worshipping at the altar of the Cheetosaurus so will his cheesyness pay any attention until that changes?
- Comment on Choose A or B 1 year ago:
Being friends with Tom Hardy seems like the worst bit. Who the hell wants to be friends with some preppy english toff?