- Comment on Consumers won’t be offered all three years of extended Windows 10 security updates 4 months ago:
Great news is that I’m using this bullshit to switch over all my PCs to Linux.
- Comment on Luma Island devs spent an 'enormous amount of effort' to make it smooth on Steam Deck 4 months ago:
This is great news.
However highlighting the “enormous amount of effort” came off as immflamatory as a headline. Now to prove to them that we appreciate the effort they put into this.
- Comment on Amazon’s paid Alexa is coming to fill a $25 billion hole dug by Echo devices 7 months ago:
Budgeting and priorizing other projects ahead of the switch. Being a DIY/Maker/Tech Nerd isn’t cheap.
- Comment on Amazon’s paid Alexa is coming to fill a $25 billion hole dug by Echo devices 7 months ago:
Been wanting to switch to Home Assistant for a while now. Soon as this up-charge hits, looks like I’ll be making the switch.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
When did “a Chad” become a positive term? From my experince growing up it was a mid-west term for rich city kids, and then later on the internet it became a red piller/incel term for “Alpha male”.
Is this one of those “taking it back” and owning it things to take power away from red pullers & incels?