- Comment on Telltale Games Releases New Screenshots Of The Wolf Among Us 2 Alongside Development Update 10 months ago:
Yeah, one of the most soulless and boring games I’ve played. The Expanse seemed like such a good property to adapt into a Telltale game too.
If you’re looking for a good sci-fi Telltale style game, Star Trek: Resurgence came out around the same time from a studio of former Telltate employees and it is an absolute joy for anyone who misses 90’s Trek.
- Comment on Telltale Games Releases New Screenshots Of The Wolf Among Us 2 Alongside Development Update 10 months ago:
I really enjoyed The Wolf Among Us, but given how terrible their Expanse game was I’m not holding my breath.
- Comment on Descent 3 has been made open source 10 months ago:
I actually didn’t realize there was a Descent 3 for some reason, I’ve only played 1 & 2. They’re the sort of game I can just jump in for 20 minutes and have fun but all the back tracking through the levels makes me feel sick playing any longer.
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 11 months ago:
Just a heads up if you do try it, I mean the original not Catalyst. The sequel constantly kills that flow state with all the annoying intrusions you’ll see from other AAA open world games. It’s not the worst game ever, I did finish it, but it was the last time I bought something on release.
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 11 months ago:
Mirror’s Edge - I usually turn the voices off and just run. Once you’re in the flow it’s so calming, and it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome.
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
I was going to say “the one where he’s a rapist”, but weirdly that only narrows it down a bit. 🤮
- Comment on RANT : The thing i miss from reddit is that when a series or movie came out or ended there would be a big discussion threads. 1 year ago:
I personally like that this season is leaning more into the supernatural, and have so far enjoyed it more than Seasons 2 & 3. It doesn’t have that visual flair of the first season though sadly, the constant night is something I suspect was more evocative and claustrophobic in the script than on the screen.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
Discworld has basically a perfect track record with me and it still hit franchise exhaustion. Never read a bad Discworld book and I love Pratchett, but at some point I just subconsciously decided that it was enough. Maybe one day it’ll wear off, but I’ve never felt a desire to finish the series even though I’m more likely to enjoy another Discworld book than a random new author/series.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
Yes, I do.
I’ve grown to the point of exhaustion with Marvel where I wont choose to see anything new on my own. They still make things I enjoy, like Loki, but unless a friend asks me to see it I wont even consider it. This isn’t just a superhero or quality thing either. I will still at least consider something by DC even though it has had a far worse track record in terms of me enjoying their output (though it’s still at a significant disadvantage).
Star Wars was a really early example for me starting to lose patience with franchises. As a kid, I devoured Star Wars content. I watched all the movies, read the EU, played the games, excitedly showed up to the theater for Episodes 1 & 2. But in the three years between 2 & 3 I was tired of it, and ended up seeing it after the movie came out on DVD because a friend put it on at their place. This is despite a very high success rate - I liked the EU stuff I was reading, I enjoyed Episode 1 (and to a lesser extent 2), I loved the games. Episode 3 did end up being a miss for me, but I think it might have been the first and it came after my exhaustion with the franchise.
- Comment on [Kind of weekly thread] What have you been watching? 1 year ago:
Not much these days at all. I’m not sure if less stuff is just coming out, or I’m interested in less of the stuff that’s coming out, but the last six months or so has been pretty dire. Looking at my tracker the last episode of a new show I watched was the finale of Archer in mid-December. I don’t even particularly like Archer. It used to be I’d basically track what day of the week it was by what show just dropped an episode.