- Comment on Meta seeking unfettered access to iPhone user data via EU DMA interoperability requests 3 months ago:
This is (one of the reasons) why Apple have been so defensive about their ecosystem.
They have slowly been building their security to protect their customers from bad actors, as the bad actors have been slowing finding ways to exploit people.
In early versions of iOS, there was little to no security, all apps had unfettered access, Apple started restricting access to more and more of the users data, and the arms race began.
Now the bad actors have tricked legislators into violating user security in favour of their scams and data mining reselling.
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers 5 months ago:
We have AppleTVs on every TV in the house and none of the TVs have ever been connected to the home network. Same with the rest of the extended family.
We also have a HDHomeRun in each house for those rare occasions when we want to watch Broadcast TV.
The only time a TV changes from HDMI1 is when someone wants to play PS or XBox.
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
They weren’t cheesy Cinematic Bond. They were realist Book Bond.
That said, they said the same thing about Daniel Craig in Casino Royale.
Connery had a bit of Dad-Joke cheese, especially in the later movies. Lazenby had slightly less cheese, but he only got the acting role because he was such a good con-artist/actor. Moore had all the Cheese and all the Camp. A few wheels short of Niven/Austin Powers. Dalton bought it back to the hard gritty roots, with a few jokes to dull the violence. Brosnan was a good balance between Moore and Dalton, primarily action/espionage with a bit of Cheese to appeal to the Moore fans. Craig removed all the cheese and went back to gritty. Almost like Dalton but with honest reality-based action.
If you like Craig but don’t like Dalton, ask yourself what is more realistic, an Aston Martin rolling without the help of a hydraulic ram or a Mack Truck pulling a “mono” on eight wheels?