- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
If it’s not too too heavy, I’m not opposed.
Bigger screen will make touchscreen typing on a keyboard less of a PITA
Some games require rarely typing into the on screen keyboard, and as much as I like my ROG Ally, the small screen makes the onscreen keyboard a real pain to type on
Honestly what I’d like is a secondary N64 style center back handle that I can hold with 1 hand while I type with the other, to make the typing way more stable.
Awkwardly holding it out on the left side way off center fulcrums it as I type, which makes it less stable. You need some genuine wrist strength to fight against that lever action while typing.
So, instead, I usually awkwardly rest it in my lap while I try and type so it’s stable at least. But this moves the screen a lot farther away so now I gotta squint at the small ass letters as I aim and type. Makes me feel like a goddamn boomer having to adjust my glasses and squint at the screen.
So… yeah I dunno, I feel like this is something that could use a better solution.
I guess I could use my Tap XR… 🤔
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 7 months ago:
Meh, I never used the app, I just set the temp on it when I turned it on since it’s, you know, right there in my hands…
I dont think I even have the app on my phone
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 7 months ago:
Only if you vacuum seal, you dont have to.
You can use re-useable silicone bags
- Comment on Larian Studios Won't Make Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Expansions, or Baldur's Gate 4 11 months ago:
Prolly for the best, WotC seems he’ll bent on destroying every IP goldmine they can, good to not strap yourself to a sinking ship.
Would’ve liked to see some kind of endgame for baldurs gate but oh well.