- Comment on OpenAI whistleblower who died was being considered as witness against company 18 hours ago:
Word choice is telling. Where’s the “was killed”?
- Comment on OpenAI whistleblower who died was being considered as witness against company 18 hours ago:
All this talk about Luigi when the real story is the string of whistleblower deaths this year. Where’s the focused search for their killers?
- Comment on Lack Of Interest In The PS5 Pro Is Forcing Scalpers To Sell Them For A Loss 5 weeks ago:
Honestly? When PS3 happened I said enough regarding consoles and didn’t buy a single one since. I still have a GameCube and PS2 packed in a box somewhere. PC. The device never changes, I can just upgrade it myself.
I’m not sad for scalpers. Reselling has trashed the used market for everyone.
- Comment on [Interview] Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong 3 months ago:
Signal or WIRE are the gold standards.
Facebook messenger records every word. Did a data request way back. More than a little creepy. Every word I ever typed was there. And yet that is what most people choose to use. Hauling your people over to a good text app, like Signal, takes a lot of effort and may not work at all in some cases.