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- Comment on Half-Life 3 is just the hot exclusive Valve needs to propel SteamOS past Windows 3 weeks ago:
Nah sounds like a waste of time and resources to make a game built on their multiplatform engine and then lock it down to one environment.
- Comment on Windows is Now Officially Supported on OLED Steam Deck 7 months ago:
It’s literally just drivers that enable user choice. Steam OS is great and nobody reasonable is switching, but for those that do it’s good that they have support for the hardware.
- Comment on Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale 8 months ago:
The only OLED feature I couldn’t go back to missing is the Wake Over Bluetooth functionality that lets you use your controller to bring up the system. Not huge for some, but when you’ve got a docked setup it’s heaps more convenient.