- Comment on Happy three years to the Steam Deck - the Linux gaming machine that changed everything 2 weeks ago:
I mean, it’s complicated yeah, but i would still maintain that DXVK was more of a watershed moment than Steam Deck.
Valve developed SteamOS way back during the first Steam Machine push, 2012-ish.
They moved quick adding DXVK into Proton and releasing it in 2018.
But I think that the core of the recent Linux Gaming story gets lost when people celebrate Valve or the Steam Deck since, like you said, it was a dedicated gamer who first developed DXVK which enabled all of this.
Linux gaming has accelerated in the last few years for sure, but I’m not sold on the premise that the impact belongs to the SD. That being said, I haven’t checked the release feature sets against the SD launch so I don’t have any hard numbers to back that up.
SD has done a lot to push Linux Gaming into the mainstream, but i don’t think the development efforts are a reflection of that, rather that SD was launched in the middle of an accelerated development curve caused by DXVK.
- Comment on Happy three years to the Steam Deck - the Linux gaming machine that changed everything 2 weeks ago:
Did it though? I mean some people switched, it sold well, but is there like a huge shift in Linux gaming? I feel like things have been proceeding pretty smoothly since DXVK was released.
- Comment on This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties 7 months ago:
Back in my day if you had a vacuum cleaner kink, you kept it to your damn self!
Seriously though, these games aren’t for me but I’m glad that people can enjoy them.
- Comment on DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again 8 months ago:
Ive been buying anything I really like on disc. Lots of movies I don’t really care about and can stream, but things I’ve really enjoyed I pick up on bluray.