Furry (feral dhole), he/him, feet/(hind)paw worshipper, car appreciator, mechanical watch wearer, cloud engineer, thinkpad/pop!os!!/i3wm user, occasional synth/guitar/handpan player, car/track enthusiast
Avatar and banner artist: Heatherwolf
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- Comment on Half-Life 3 is just the hot exclusive Valve needs to propel SteamOS past Windows 1 week ago:
Crassius Curio says hi!
- Comment on Half-Life 3 is just the hot exclusive Valve needs to propel SteamOS past Windows 1 week ago:
What would be the point of actually making Half Life 3? The void caused by that game’s non-existence is too culturally important to ever replace!
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 2 weeks ago:
Is a prompt which results in output that satisfies the user in and of itself art, in your view? or only the actual output?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 2 weeks ago:
Photography is absolutely art. Humans put a lot of thought and intent into what and how they photograph and how they process and exhibit the photos.
I’d say that some stuff like JWST images definitely count as art, and some such imagery is far more technical and research focused than purely emotional. Maybe some visually boring but scientifically significant images aren’t artistic to laypeople. Nuance here is totally fine.
I vehemently disagree that all machine output is art.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 2 weeks ago:
Art has to be made by people. It’s literally not art otherwise.
- Comment on After a year in its company, I’ve done a complete 180 on my Steam Deck 2 months ago:
It’s great! Mine is five years old and still working just fine.
I have needed to replace the cable (was getting weird green static), but that was really easy to do myself and Valve directly sells replacements.
Also my right speaker is a bit loose so I have to adjust it occasionally during gameplay.
Otherwise it’s been solid. Easy recommendation.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 2 months ago:
Wolfenstein would be better. Prove you’re human by shooting Nazis.