- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 2 days ago:
That can be AI depending on how broad your definition is, but it’s not GenAI, which is the main concern here.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 2 days ago:
These same discussion happened with photoshop and “brush tools” why are those acceptable to make it less labor intensive, but this isn’t?
You’re missing the point. “This makes things easier” isn’t the problem, it’s more along the lines of “this is only possible by stealing the works of countless people, it will attempt to obviate their jobs, and make billionaires even richer.” People aren’t mad you want to work less, they’re mad you’ll make things worse, and won’t even bother to grasp how.
It’s more hypocrisy over purism, as you’ve so nicely pointed out.
Comparing GenAI to brush tools is extremely disingenuous, talk about hypocrisy.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
You can now run optimized open source diffusion models on an iPhone, and it’s been possible for years.
Games aren’t background processes. Even today, triple-A titles still sometimes come out as unoptimized hot garbage. Do you genuinely think it’s easy to pile a diffusion model on top with negligible effect? Also, will you pack an entire model into your game just for one instance?
I use that as an example because yes, there’s models that can easily run on an Nvidia 1060 these days. Those models are more than enough to handle incremental changes to an image in-game
Look at the share of people using an 1050 or lower card. Or let’s talk about the AMD and Intel issues. These people aren’t an insignificant portion. Hell, nearly 15% don’t even have 16GB of ram.
it’s probably the best way to get an uncanny valley effect in … a horror game, as the alternatives would be:
- spending many hours manually making hundreds of incremental changes
- hiring someone to do what I just mentioned
What are you talking about? You’re satisfied with a diffusion model’s output, but won’t be with any other method except excruciating manual labor? Your standards are all over the place—or rather, you don’t have any. And let’s keep it real: most won’t give a shit if your game can show them 10 or 100 slightly worse versions of the same image.
Procedural generation has been a thing for decades. Indie devs have been making do with nearly nonexistent art skills and less sophisticated tech for just as long. I feel like you don’t actually care about the problem space, you just want to shove AI into the solution.
I’ll call an open source model exploitation the day someone can accurately generate an exact work it was trained on not within 1, but at least within 10 generations.
Are you referring to the OSAID? The infamously broken definition that exists to serve companies? You don’t understand what exploitation here means. “Can it regurgitate exact training input” is not the only question to ask, and not the bar. Knowing your work was used without consent to train computers to replace people’s livelihoods is extremely violating. Talk to artists.
I know the researching ability of people has decreased greatly over the years, but using “knowyourmeme” as a source? Really?
I tried to use an accessible and easily understandable example. Fuck off. Go do your own “research”, open those beloved diffusion models, make your scary, then scarier images and try asking people what they think of the results. Do it a hundred times, since that’s your only excuse as to why you need AI. No cherry-picking, you won’t be able to choose what your rube goldberg painting will look like on other people’s PCs.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
It sounds like you gave up and expect everyone else to do the same.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
There remains a significant enclave that rejects it, but it’s definitely smaller than equivalent groups in other mentioned professions. Hopefully things won’t get that far. I think the tech is amazing, but it’s an immense shame that so many of my/our peers don’t give a flying fuck about ethics.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
That’s an interesting enough idea in theory, so here’s my take on it, if you want one.
Yes, it sounds magical, but:
- AI sucks at make it more X. It doesn’t understand scary, so you’ll get worse crops of the training data, not meaningful changes.
- It’s prohibitively expensive and unfeasible for the majority of consumer hardware.
- Even if it gets a thousand times cheaper and better at its job, is GenAI really the best way to do this?
- Is it the only one? Are alternatives also built on exploitation? If they aren’t, I think you should reconsider.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
Yours is the most captivating comment in this entire thread.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
This might be a little off-topic, but I’ve noticed what seems to be a trend of anti-AI discourse ignoring programmers. Protect artists, writers, animators, actors, voice-actors… programmers, who? No idea if it’s because they’re partly to blame, or people are simply unaware code is also stolen by AI companies—still waiting on that GitHub Copilot lawsuit—but the end result appears to be a general lack of care about GenAI in coding.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
The only reason people shit on AI currently is because expert humans are still far better than it.
Not it’s not! There are a whole bunch of reasons why people dislike the current AI-wave, from artist exploitation, to energy consumption, to making horrible shitty people and companies richer while trying to obviate people’s jobs!
You’re so far off, it’s insane. That’s like saying people only hate slavery because the slaves can’t match craftsmen yet. Just wait a bit until they finish training the slaves, just a few more whippings, then everyone will surely shut up.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 3 days ago:
The people who say they don’t support these tools come across as purists or virtue signallers.
It is now “purist” to protest against the usage of tools that by and large steal from the work of countless unpaid, uncredited, unconsenting artists, writers, and programmers. It is virtue signaling to say I don’t support OpenAI or their shitty capital chasing pig-brethren. It’s fucking “organic labelling” to want to support like-minded people instead of big tech.
Y’all are ridiculous. The more of this I see, the more radicalized I get. Cool tech, yes, I admit! But wow, you just want to sweep all those pesky little ethical issues aside because… it makes you more productive? Shit, it’s like you’re competing with Altman on the unlikeability ranking.