people really seem to have a boner for the apocalypse, from what i’ve seen the reality is that poor people will as always get shafted and most people in developed countries will be mostly fine albeit with a lot of change and maybe having to move if you live in a flooding-prone area.
Comment on it's a puzzling one i'll tell you hwat 1 year ago
I was banned from the climate sub by the mod for disagreeing that humanity will survive the climate apocalypse. No message, just deleted comments. Isn’t that right @silence7 ? 1 year ago 1 year ago
I always thought a zombie apocalypse would be fun, but a storm planet with insane class disparity full of oil/water wars isn’t going to be fun at all. 1 year ago
It’s soo weird when you a lot of people have weird fantasies about the apocalypse. It gets downright terrifying when you start to mix in nationalism in it.
I hate to break it everyone, most of us are not going to survive the apocalypse. The only ones who are going to survive are the ones that I can survive and were lucky enough to be in the right place at the wrong time. It won’t matter that you have a bunker full of supplies, what the fuck are you going to do when your supplies run out? Or someone with a bigger gun comes? All that gold and crypto you bought for the apocalypse won’t mean shit. 1 year ago
Interesting take. I’ve always posited that the earth and nature will survive but I never included people in that. It’d probably be a reversion to nomadic and hunter/gatherer tribes to start. The question is would it take as long to rebuild? And would it follow the same path again? 1 year ago
Depends on if we destroy the ecosystem long enough and hard enough to kill everything over 50 pounds. 1 year ago
Humanity will survive; society as we know it, or in any form higher than nomadic tribes, not so much.
Glad to know Reddit moderator behavior has carried over, it’s just like old times! 1 year ago
Depends on if we start getting super storms or not after we start the dominos falling in terms of tipping points.