Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3.0.1. Patch Fixes Anti-Bagging Measures Accidentally Triggering 1 year agoKnocking people off the stage isnt the part that makes smash uncomparable to other fighting games.
Its the fact that its technically a platforming game, and a multiplayer game, which frequently incentivizes running and hiding from opponents, and has a built in random trip mechanic to fuck you over for no reason other than coin flip handicapping you, among a myriad of other examples of how the game can make the weaker player win. 1 year ago
When the Smash meta revolves around playing sub-optimally until the other player trips, let me know. 1 year ago
Bagging isnt sub optimal either, its just not empty brain w+m1 gameplay.
Youre upset the racing game is more dynamic? There are many other racing games with less complex and risky strategies 1 year ago
I meant sub-optimally in terms of actually racing. Optimal speed would be getting the lowest time in the race. Bagging would be aiming to not get the fastest lap each time. I probably could’ve chosen a better word, my bad.
I’m not upset about anything. But isn’t this post about Nintendo removing/reducing bagging? So maybe some others are upset about that change. But it seems like a good thing to me. 1 year ago
Its also sub optimal speed to lag a bit so a blue shell doesnt blow you up, but since its a mario style cartoonish video game you often find that the optimal play isnt to have the smallest or biggest number at all times.
I would say any change that makes mario cart less like mario cart and more like other racing games is a change that makes a worse game. A racing game that involves more strategy than the rest is more interesting than a racing game thats just more cartoony.