- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Back in the day, people hated Intellisense/auto-complete.
And back in the older day, people hated IDEs for coding.
And back in the even older day, people hated computers for games.
There’ll always be people who hate new technology, especially if it makes something easier that they used to have to do “the hard way”.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
I remember we used to refer to enemy logic as AI. The 4 Pac-Man ghosts each had different “AI”. The AI of the enemies in this FPS sucks. This kind of stuff, lol
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Tools can be used to make art.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
One of my favourite games used procedural generation to create game “art”, “assets”, and “maps”.
That could conceivably be called (or enhanced by) ML today, which could conceivably be called AI today.
But even in modern games, I’m not opposed to mindful usage of AI in games. I don’t understand why you’re trying to speak for everyone (by saying “people”) when you’re talking to someone who doesn’t share your view.
This is like those stupid “non-GMO” stickers. Yes, GMOs are being abused by Monsanto (and probably other corporations like them). No, that doesn’t mean that GMOs are bad in all cases.
- Comment on Most Civilization players don't finish a single game, going by Civ 6 data, and perhaps that's the best way to play 1 month ago:
I often have to push my way through. But especially for a domination victory, there’s a lot of time wasted on mopping up when victory is already completely guaranteed.
Kind of like Monopoly.
- Comment on Ancient Chinese RPG The Bustling World is, in fact, all of the genres, from city builder to life sim 2 months ago:
Wow, Ancient China must’ve been pretty advanced if it had RPGs! Especially video game RPGs!
- Comment on Having Ciri as The Witcher 4 lead will help the game explore the Witcher world's sexism, say CD Projekt 3 months ago:
And that’s going to upset a lot of losers!
Though I believe the scientific term is “low-status males”. But I’m sure some women who are losers would also be upset. A very small minority, but not zero!
- Comment on Publishers face 20% game revenue reduction if Denuvo DRM is cracked quickly, according to new study 5 months ago:
If Denuvo being cracked leads to a measurable and meaningful decrease in revenue, that suggests that enough people would be willing to buy the game even with Denuvo.
When people start speaking with their wallets and stop buying games with Denuvo DRM, then it’d make sense to not have Denuvo. If it’s making a company more money to include it, I can’t blame them for including it during their launch window.
I seldom buy games that were released within the last 12 weeks, so if they removed Denuvo DRM by then, I can’t really complain (at least on my own behalf).
- Comment on Publishers face 20% game revenue reduction if Denuvo DRM is cracked quickly, according to new study 5 months ago:
I love GOG for its DRM-free games. But still, keeping Denuvo for 12 weeks feels like a great compromise.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
Their username is there with their comment
- Comment on This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties 8 months ago:
What the heck are “fitties”? I googled it, and after the sponsored ads for supplements, this article itself came up.
- Comment on Steam is recommending homophobic curators. 8 months ago:
“Very heterosexual person” plays every gay game they can find, looking for every gay experience they can do in the game
- Comment on Streets of Fortuna is a chaotic The Sims-like in an ambitious open-world city sandbox, made with the help of Dwarf Fortress creators 9 months ago:
Then why not “X, a chaotic new game inspired by The Sims, …”? Lol
- Comment on Streets of Fortuna is a chaotic The Sims-like in an ambitious open-world city sandbox, made with the help of Dwarf Fortress creators 9 months ago:
I’ve heard “Life Sim” before.
There are so many other ways to say it aside from trying to make a sentence like “It’s a The Sims-like”.
- Comment on Streets of Fortuna is a chaotic The Sims-like in an ambitious open-world city sandbox, made with the help of Dwarf Fortress creators 9 months ago:
I hate this meme. “[Game-like]” is not a noun/genre, with few exceptions.
- Comment on Lawsuit argues Call of Duty helped cause the Uvalde school shooting 9 months ago:
Damn, guess the cops should’ve played more COD
- Comment on Final Fantasy Tactics-like Trash Of The Titans dares you to be the garbage guzzling disaster mammal you always knew you were 9 months ago:
I’m specifically referring to to X-like.
In the 90’s, we also had Street Fighter-clones!
But nowadays we know better. But gaming journalism seems to have gone backwards into calling everything [X]-like.
My guess is that it gets them more hits for people looking up games that aren’t actually related to the one they’re writing about
- Comment on Final Fantasy Tactics-like Trash Of The Titans dares you to be the garbage guzzling disaster mammal you always knew you were 9 months ago:
Do we not have genres anymore? Why are games being called X-like nowadays? Lol
- Comment on Mighty Marbles is an upcoming physics game that looks like a fusion of kids toys 10 months ago:
I remember loving Marble Drop as a kid. That was less physics and more Rube-Goldberg puzzles, though
- Comment on Fortnite will let you hide "confrontational" emotes, including the game's most popular 11 months ago:
I guess your feelings getting hurt is part of the metagame experience!
- Comment on Pokémon 'em up Cassette Beasts adds multiplayer on May 20th 11 months ago:
Pokemon popularized the genre (and heck, it arguably helped popularize JRPGs in general, at least in the west). My issue wasn’t with the word “Pokemon”, but with trying to use “'em up” as if it makes a game a genre.
Especially when we have “-like” already, as in “Roguelike”.
- Comment on Pokémon 'em up Cassette Beasts adds multiplayer on May 20th 11 months ago:
Cassette Beasts looks great, but that is the most stupid description I’ve ever heard.
- Comment on Capcom Releases Nearly 8 Minutes Of New Dragon's Dogma 2 Gameplay Narrated By Actor Ian McShane 1 year ago:
I’m a big proponent of shorter games being worth money, but 8 minutes is too short for a full-price game even for me.
- Comment on Suika Shapes adds co-op multiplayer and a polygonal twist to the viral Watermelon Game 1 year ago:
I had a lot of fun with the free trial of the fruit one. But I couldn’t get the final fruit!
- Comment on The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment in Kenya are in - Vox 1 year ago:
The researchers found no evidence that any of the payments discouraged work or increased purchases of alcohol
I’d say that this is a pretty important finding. This is a common talking point for people against UBI, so finding evidence to the contrary is promising
- Comment on Exposing the Color Blind Glasses Scam 1 year ago:
Shitty, but also really clever in terms of marketing. “Helping people with colour blindness more easily distinguish between certain colours whose wavelengths overlap (but are distinct to those without colour blindness)” is accurate, but not as exciting (or as easily understandable) as “FIXES COLOUR BLINDNESS”.
- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
Ah, OP was just asking about the flash holder for landlines.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3.0.1. Patch Fixes Anti-Bagging Measures Accidentally Triggering 1 year ago:
I think lagging behind for OP items is less interesting than a skill-based race.
In a party environment, those OP items are great. Bullet Bills help the new player spice up the friendly environment. But if the pro is lagging behind specifically to get OP items, I think that makes it less fun and less interesting.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3.0.1. Patch Fixes Anti-Bagging Measures Accidentally Triggering 1 year ago:
I meant sub-optimally in terms of actually racing. Optimal speed would be getting the lowest time in the race. Bagging would be aiming to not get the fastest lap each time. I probably could’ve chosen a better word, my bad.
I’m not upset about anything. But isn’t this post about Nintendo removing/reducing bagging? So maybe some others are upset about that change. But it seems like a good thing to me.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3.0.1. Patch Fixes Anti-Bagging Measures Accidentally Triggering 1 year ago: