How exactly tf do you know how good a voice actor is if you can’t understand their language, accent, or inflections? Do you reckon maybe American voice actors aren’t treated well has more to do with the elitist attitude weebs have regarding them than their skill levels?
Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago
There’s a reason why Japanese voice actors are treated like A-tier celebrities and 'murican anime voice actors are a bunch of nobodies. The chasm between their skill levels is too big. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I’ve heard that Japanese anime voice actors are seen on about the same level as we see American anime voice actors. 1 year ago
if you can’t understand their language, accent, or inflections?
I understand all of those things, and I’m a second language speaker for both English and Japanese, so there’s no favoritism there.
Do you reckon maybe American voice actors aren’t treated well has more to do with the elitist attitude weebs have regarding them than their skill levels?
No, I don’t. That’s a fairly senseless hypothesis. 1 year ago
American voice actors definitely get treated like stars and have fans. Source: Ive been to plenty of conventions. Also, another reason Japanese seiyuu are treated with such high praise is because many of them do other media, particularly music.
But seriously, American voice actors have fan groups. Anime and American animation voice actors, and video games actors. There’s a lot of overlap there. There are very passionate fandoms. 1 year ago
One for every hundred VAs, maybe.
Many of the most celebrated seiyuu do nothing but voice acting. 1 year ago
Absolutely not true. There may be some, but seiyuu work is extremely hard. They work their asses off in a cutthroat competitive world doing many things on the side and making money from many more angles that just their voice acting.