Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year agoYou must be fun at parties.
Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year agoYou must be fun at parties. 1 year ago
Aye, I’m fucking amazing, actually.
If you’re going to choose a god to praise, why choose an easily insulted one-eyed old fart with a self-confidence problem? Go with someone with more pizzazz, like Freyja. Goddess of love, beauty, sex, war, magic. Is there anything she doesn’t do? 1 year ago
Maybe because the person you were talking to most likely doesn’t actually worship Odin and was trying to be funny? 1 year ago
Do you think my tongue in cheek trivia is an actual admonishment for worshipping the wrong god? 1 year ago
This was tongue in cheek?
Because that’s what I responded to. Were you being unserious when you said Odin is being co-opted as a symbol for nationalism and white supremacy? 1 year ago
Beauty and magic are not on my bingo card, so I’m a little jealous. 1 year ago
Love, sex, and, war is? Three out of five isn’t bad, could be worse! 1 year ago
Honestly war fortunately only seen far away on a global scope in other less fortunate countries. But there is a latent risk everywhere.