Software developer by day, insomniac by night.
- Comment on Life By You devs spent “a month in purgatory” prior to closure, says laid-off designer, despite their sim-like exceeding Paradox's expectations 9 months ago:
- Comment on Google is launching a new Android feature to drive users back into their installed apps 10 months ago:
Why? It’s not my job to ensure Google’s documentation is correct.
- Comment on Google is launching a new Android feature to drive users back into their installed apps 10 months ago:
They have an entire graveyard of products and services to pull from, I don’t see how this could fail!
I noticed the other day that they still have help articles up on how to sign up for Google+
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2 modders are finding ways around the otherwise acclaimed RPG's controversial microtransactions 11 months ago:
I never even got that far. Loaded up the character I’d made, and walked 20 metres out of the cell. Crash, crash, and crash. Coupled with the microtransactions I was just extremely turned off from the game. I’m very glad Steam has a decent return policy.
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2 modders are finding ways around the otherwise acclaimed RPG's controversial microtransactions 11 months ago:
The A stands for arse.
Remember kids; it’s not theft if you can’t own it. Furthermore, the people that actually matter, the artists, devs, etc. have already (hopefully, since some triple-crapple-A companies aren’t above stealing) been paid. They won’t earn shit from the sales.
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2 modders are finding ways around the otherwise acclaimed RPG's controversial microtransactions 11 months ago:
As in, unplayable on my computer. Within 20 minutes I had three spontaneous CTDs.
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2 modders are finding ways around the otherwise acclaimed RPG's controversial microtransactions 1 year ago:
I preordered the game, because I really enjoyed the first game. Basically unplayable, and the micro transactions were a slap in the face.
Refunded it, and instead I’ll just sail the seas for the game whenever it makes a splash there. Can’t see myself buying another Capcom game again.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Mythology is crazy!
I love the stories about Atalanta, and how it culminates in her and Hippomenes both being transformed into lions as punishment for shagging in a temple, because at the time people believed that lions couldn’t have offspring together.
The story of Thor dressing up as and pretending to be Freyja in order to get his hammer back from some giants is also pretty sick.
And Amaterasu forever shunning her brotherhusband for in disgust decapitating a lady who invited them to a party she was too lazy to go to.
There’s so many quality stories out there.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Love, sex, and, war is? Three out of five isn’t bad, could be worse!
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Apologies for the late response, I was working.
Odin kidnapped children and set them to be chased by wolves for all eternity because of how their father named them.
No hailing Oden, please. He’s a cunt.
This bit is tongue in cheek, specifically the “no hailing Oden” bit. It is a joke. I don’t actually care if someone worships Oden or not, you’re free to do as you please. I apologise if my phrasing came across as more serious than was intended. My apologies to you,, and anyone else whom I’ve offended.
Odin kidnapped children and set them to be chased by wolves for all eternity because of how their father named them.
…is a reference to the story of the children Sol and Mani, whose father loved them so much he decided to name them after the sun and the moon. Oden took offence to this, and whisked the children away up into the skies to drive the carriages of their namesakes, and just to ensure none shirked their duty, he set Fenrir’s two children, Hati (Hatred) and Sköll (Treachery) to chase them until the end times when the twin wolves devour their targets.
No matter how you look at it, that’s a shitty thing to do. It’s not the children’s fault that their father gave them that name. Suppose father was punished too in that he lost his beloved kids, but the children really drew the short end of the stick.
It’s not the first time he’s a bit of a shithead either. The way I’ve always understood the stories having grown up with them, his treatment of Loke’s children is what drives them to oppose him in the end times. He creates a lot of problems that could be fixed would he be open to properly communicate, but Oden isn’t the type to do that. He’s too prideful.
And this…
He’s also co-opted as a symbol for nationalism and white supremacy so there’s that part too.
…is sadly also true. I welcome people rekindling Asatro. I think that’s delightful. However, sadly there’s a bunch of people that have co-opted these stories and group together under Odin as a symbol of hatred and xenophobia. I obviously don’t think the person I initially responded to is one of these people, nor do I think they’re seriously practising asatro.
So, if you do decide to openly worship Oden, or carry imagery associated with him - that’s really cool, but it’s also worth noting that sadly in modern society at least here in Scandinavia, there are some unsavory connotations with it.
Finally this
If you’re going to choose a god to praise, why choose an easily insulted one-eyed old fart with a self-confidence problem? Go with someone with more pizzazz, like Freyja. Goddess of love, beauty, sex, war, magic. Is there anything she doesn’t do?
…is also tongue-in-cheek, though I do unironically think Freyja is many times cooler than Oden and I will (figuratively) fight you on that.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Do you think my tongue in cheek trivia is an actual admonishment for worshipping the wrong god?
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Aye, I’m fucking amazing, actually.
If you’re going to choose a god to praise, why choose an easily insulted one-eyed old fart with a self-confidence problem? Go with someone with more pizzazz, like Freyja. Goddess of love, beauty, sex, war, magic. Is there anything she doesn’t do?
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Some more than others. Oden is particularly bad.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Odin kidnapped children and set them to be chased by wolves for all eternity because of how their father named them.
No hailing Oden, please.
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
Maybe the latter has something to do with the former. Fish die from plastic; no fish to eat.
- Comment on Black friday 1 year ago:
That’s an assumption. It’s definitely a post in Swedish. Specifically it looks like a screenshot of Prisjakt/PriceSpy’s history tab.
- Comment on Black friday 1 year ago:
No. It’s Swedish.
- Comment on My PDF reader REALLY HAD to add a permanent "AI assistant" button that floats on every single file i open 1 year ago:
Oooh, yeah. That’s not quite the same.
- Comment on My PDF reader REALLY HAD to add a permanent "AI assistant" button that floats on every single file i open 1 year ago:
Doesn’t the standard print dialogue have the option to just make X copies or is that not the same as batch printing?
- Comment on 1 imitation whipped cream tub with a side of pie, please. 1 year ago:
I visited a friend in Massachusetts a few years ago, and we made pumkin pie. Just because I was curious, I bought cool whip.
It’s not whipped cream, nor is it really similar to it. It’s essentially made similar to how you’d make mayonnaise, but instead of being savoury/sour it’s sweet. It’s also aerated so it’s not as dense. But yeah, it’s basically aerated dessert mayonnaise.