The 2nd Amendment, for one. It’s a constitutional amendment that hasn’t changed since the Constitution was written, back in 1787.
Isn’t that all about bearing arms so that the people can overthrow the government? Yeah, good luck with that. Who are you counting on, the gangs? School shooting kids? Rednecks? Good ol’ boys? Are they all getting together and marching in force as one?
ain’t happening with today’s batshit crazy GOP.
Then vote for people who make those changes for the better. If Trump gets in again I fear for us all, not just you guys.
all of this talk of “banning guns” is unproductive. If you want to make change, start with regulations.
That sir is exactly what I’m proposing. I agree with you completely, Canada being a great example.
What the fuck does this question even mean? Is what “well past the point”?
Good point. I think I was being rhetorical, which wasn’t very useful. I just find it crazy that the whole country hasn’t got together on this one thing at least. I know it’s not easy, but making it more difficult for people to shoot each other must be important to everyone?
Brits have gun bans, and they still have gun incidents.
Very rarely. But that’s not a good argument. I’m not sure about this kind of thing but I think that’s what they call whataboutism. Imagine if there were less gun crime in the US than the UK. Why not at least try? 1 year ago
Your arrogance is compounded by your ignorance in assuming that they are from the US. Lemmy is an international service. 1 year ago
I know they aren’t from the US, because an American wouldn’t ask such nationally-ignorant questions.