Stardew valley released a new version recently and there are a lot of mods for it 10 months ago
Surprised to see The Witcher 3 still on that list. And the fact that Stardew Valley is number one also is surprising to me.
It would have been interesting to see the actual total hours for each game as well. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I played the entire game through on the deck. It played excellently. 10 months ago
I played the entire game through on the deck. It played excellently.
Nice! I’ve been meaning to give it a try, but I never get around to doing it. I’ll have to make more of an effort. 10 months ago
Yeah it was a blast, like, incredibly pleasurable to play.
The controller layout and the steam deck layout just mapped excellently. Everything felt incredibly organic, almost as if the game was designed for the deck.
I’m on BG3 now and its not nearly as good of an experience. The graphics feel lacking compared to W3. I’m not sure I’ve got it tuned correctly. The key mapping is ‘so so’; I play city skylines and its way better mapping for a mouse based click and do stuff game.
The key mapping / controller layout and zoom / perspective questions are the make it or break it for any game on deck. I really like the steam deck controller set up (in-spite of the fact that before the deck, I’m almost exclusively a keyboard and mouse gamer). I like how flexible the set up is, but I feel like not enough games are taking advantage of the options and the community layouts are hit and miss. 10 months ago
Witcher 3 player here, was on my to play list for a long time, plays really nicely on the deck and is a long play 10 months ago
Stardew Valley just got a huge update recently, I don’t find it that surprising! It’s a great update. 10 months ago
Ah okay. I just assumed it was the next Minecraft for kids and that’s why it’s population/popularity was hanging on at a high level.
~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ 10 months ago
I have like 2k hours in that game. It’s insanely deep with a chill gameplay loop. I’ve exclusively played single-player. 10 months ago
I’ll have to get off my ass and try playing it, been seeing it around forever.
~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~