They’ve always been strict at blocking potentially offensive text. Ever kept trying to compose a helpful, constructive YouTube comment reply that doesn’t disappear when you refresh? The AI there is really draconian. Once, someone wanted details of a rather wholesome story I had shared in a top level comment. Replying with the follow-up always failed despite no obvious trigger words. I resorted to editing the parent comment but then struggled to get a “see edit” reply through. At least 10 attempts at expressing “look at the root comment for updates” failed, eventually I managed to get a reply through with nothing but “🔝”. It got removed after I tried to edit it to a clearer expression so I just posted another “🔝” reply and hoped for the best.
Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 7 months ago
Google is going puritan now? 7 months ago 7 months ago
yeah that was my first thought. you would think it would just get locked into no sharing or something. 7 months ago
We’re going to end up with a digital world in which corporate AIs are the arbiters of acceptable and nothing will exist without their approval. They have successfully seized control of the internet and even people’s personal devices. It’s terrible.