Comment on NetEase Backs Down On Requirement For Early Streamers Of ‘Marvel’ Game To Not Critique The Game ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

In a follow-up posted to social media this morning, NetEase went on to “apologize for any unpleasant experiences or doubts caused by the miscommunication of these terms…

Ooh, corporate gaslighting! “Your fee fees are hurt because you didn’t actually understand the message correctly!”

There is no miscommunication here. The message is clear as day - “don’t criticise our product”.

We actively encourage Creators to share their honest thoughts, suggestions, and criticisms as they play. All feedback, positive and negative, ultimately helps us craft the best experience for ourselves and the players.”

Given the content of the clause, NetEase is simply lying…

NetEase says it is making “adjustments” to the contract “to be less restrictive and more Creator-friendly.”

…and they’re fully aware that they’re lying, otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to make the clause less unpalatable.

My sides went into orbit.
