Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on your Steam Deck? - June 2024 7 months agoI removed any framework mods from this list.
- Adventurer’s Guild Expanded for 1.6
- AnimalHusbandryMod
- AutomaticGates
- [BAGI] Better Artisan Good Icons for RSV
- [BAGI] Better Artisan Good Icons for SVE
- BetterCrafting
- BetterRanching
- BetterSprinklersPlus
- BigFridge
- BiggerBackpack
- ButtonsExtraBooks
- ChestsAnywhere
- ClothesRack
- ConvenientInventory
- CookingSkill (Yet Anoter Cooking Skill
- [CP] 6480’s Giant Crops
- [CP] Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo
- [CP] Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion
- [CP] DSHi Artifacts Retexture
- [CP] DSHi Fish Retexture
- [CP] DSHi Food Retexture
- [CP] DSHi Minerals Retexture
- [CP] DSHi Shipping Items Retexture
- [CP] Elle’s Cuter Barn Animals
- [CP] Elle’s Cuter Coop Animals
- [CP] Elle’s Cuter Horses
- [CP] Elle’s Dirt and Cliff Recolor
- [CP] Elle’s Grass Replacement
- [CP] Elle’s Kitchen Replacement
- [CP] Elle’s Seasonal Buildings
- [CP] Elle’s Town Animals
- [CP] Events Expansion
- [CP] FCF BatsAndShrooms
- [CP] Immersive Family
- [CP] Kari’s Seasonal Gabriel - Adventurer’s Guild Expanded
- [CP] Kari’s Seasonal Zinnia Portraits - Adventurer’s Guild Expanded
- [CP] Lumisteria Glimmering Clumps and Nodes
- [CP] Music of Ridgeside Village
- [CP] RSV Seasonal Outfits
- [CP] SD’s Mushroom Dig Spot 1.6 - Seasonal
- [CP] Seasonal Cute Characters
- [CP] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE
- [CP] Seasonal Haystacks (Silo Reskin)
- DataLayers
- EvenBetterArtisanGoodIcons
- EventLookup
- EverlastingBaitsAndUnbreakableTacklesMod
- FishingInfoOverlays
- Fishnets
- GenericModConfigMenu
- GiantCropTweaks
- GiftTasteHelper
- GrampletonFields
- Grandpa’s Farm
- HorseFluteAnywhere
- HorseOverhaul
- LastingConversationTopics
- LongerFenceLife
- LookupAnything
- Machine Progression System
- NPCMapLocations
- PartOfTheCommunity
- Reciprocate
- Ridgeside Village
- SaveBackup
- SeedMakerQuality
- SkillfulClothes
- SkillPrestige
- SocialPageOrderRedux
- Stardew Valley Expanded
- TimeSpeed
- ToDew
- TractorMod
- UIInfoSuite2
- WearMoreRings
- Wild Animals
- XPDisplay 7 months ago
Aweome! Thank you that gives me a lot of great inspiration!