Comment on [Game] All KINGDOM HEARTS games now Steam Deck Verified (plus more games) 5 months ago
For as much as I loved kingdom hearts 1 when I was younger, these games are pretty terrible. I replayed 1 and 2 when 3 came out and man are they an absolute mess. Always good to see more “retro” games coming to modern platforms though 5 months ago
Thanks for the input. As someone who didn’t play these when they first came out, I’ve wondered if it’s worth playing through as a newcomer. 5 months ago
I would say the story of KH1 is pretty great, it’s just that the gameplay and menus are quite dated and very frustrating to deal with. The platforming is still a bit of a problem but with dual-stick controls it’s at least bearable.
If you don’t want to play it, I would still recommend looking up the story beats in video form so you know the story. KH2 is where I would say the gameplay really takes off. 5 months ago
And where I’ve heard from other fans that the story takes a dive off a cliff. So you get better gameplay and a mess of a story.
I do not have personal experience to verify, but multiple friends confirmed this to be the case. 5 months ago
I share this opinion