- Comment on Steam Deck Brick Mod: No screen, no controller, and absolutely no sense, just a power button and a USB port. 2 weeks ago:
Reminds me of mods like the GameCube Nano. I dunno if it’s possible, but it would be kinda cool if someone figured out how to shrink the Deck further.
- Comment on PC game development surges in Steam Deck handheld era — But don't count Xbox and PlayStation out 2 weeks ago:
I’m not. I’m more hoping for Nintendo to get a wakeup call that improving customer satisfaction and giving them actual value, rather than clawing and squeezing and litigating every dollar possible from their freaking fans, is actually a viable business strategy.
- Comment on PC game development surges in Steam Deck handheld era — But don't count Xbox and PlayStation out 2 weeks ago:
I mean, I know what you’re saying. Nintendo is no slouch when it comes to drawing people in, but they’re no longer the only fish in the pond. Couple that with the general customer satisfaction with Deck-likes and the flat deluge of games to which you have access, and there’s a real chance of people at least thinking twice before jumping on a Switch 2.
Some people won’t care, but Nintendo is going to have to really work to pull others away from all those extras you get by design. Plus, that’s not even getting into how stupidly easy it is to set up emulation, which you have to pay a lot for via Nintendo.
- Comment on PC game development surges in Steam Deck handheld era — But don't count Xbox and PlayStation out 2 weeks ago:
They’ll also have potentially more exposure, as many other companies have and will be coming out with SteamOS handhelds of their own. So if anyone had to choose, it might make more sense to skip the Switch 2.
- Comment on GPD WIN 4 handheld plans to support Valve's SteamOS in 2025 4 weeks ago:
It looks like it’s trying to be a dual-purpose handheld, a controller with a laptop inside. 32GB of RAM is for running multiple programs simultaneously, and with their special dock connector to get it going with a monitor and other peripherals, I would guess they are targeting people who want to replace their setup with something smaller than a traditional gaming laptop.
Their previous offerings have been laptops with controllers attached, but given the popularity of handhelds, this seems like the logical move for them to stay relevant in the market. It’s niche, but it will probably attract some.
- Comment on After a year in its company, I’ve done a complete 180 on my Steam Deck 5 weeks ago:
It helps me play games that I would otherwise avoid on my desktop (usually low-requirement games like Vampire Survivor-likes or action platformers). If I gotta pick up a controller to play it, the Deck is probably better. I can also play in shorter bursts, so if I have ten minutes of nothing to do, that’s ten minutes I can make progress on a game.
And because of that I’ve finished a lot more games than I did with only my desktop.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Mac should be able to read Fat32, and so should the Deck. You should use a universal drive format when possible, not whatever each one recommends (probably HFS or APFS for Mac and ext4 for Linux).
If you’re trying to install Windows on the Deck via Mac, you might need to create a virtual machine first with Windows on it:
Or possibly Linux (which you could probably do via the Deck, too):…
I did read that the WoeUSB program mentioned in that article might also work on Mac, but I can’t verify if that’s true. Option three is to ask a friend to create a Windows Media USB for you.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
- Get a USB-C flash drive for system reinstalls or flashing a new distro.
- Look into handheld-oriented distros like Bazzite, Nobara, and CachyOS (there’s others, too).
- Consider a screen protector.
- Look into getting a Deck Lifesaver or printing one yourself.
- Comment on [help] Getting my first steam deck tomorrow 1 month ago:
Bazzite supports Secure Boot…😉
But thanks for the info! I’ll be looking at it more closely later.
- Comment on [help] Getting my first steam deck tomorrow 1 month ago:
If you plan to use yours as a laptop replacement, get Bazzite (maybe CachyOS, but I don’t have experience with their handheld version). SteamOS is great, but the major drawback for daily computing is that every update will wipe out your modifications to the core system (not your home directory). Bazzite and some others will give you a persistent system with each update.
For gaming, Hades works flawlessly. It’s easy to pick up and put down, doesn’t consume a lot of battery, and the story/gameplay are phenomenal.
Make sure to also check out RetroDeck/EmuDeck and Decky Loader to extend what your Deck can do
- Comment on Will there be a restock on the white OLED steam deck? 2 months ago:
There’s probably white shells for the OLED models, now, though I haven’t checked in a while. Most of the custom shells come with matching buttons, and you can buy separate buttons of other colors, so you could probably make a facsimile with a little searching and elbow grease.
- Comment on [Leak] Steam Controller 2 render thumbnail leaked in SteamVR drivers 2 months ago:
As an avid and current Steam Controller user, top-down twin stick shooters are still awkward. Having a second stick while still having both pads will be a monumental improvement.
- Comment on Steam Deck AU launch date: 19 Nov 2024 2 months ago:
Congrats, Australia! Hope y’all have lots of fun!
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 2 months ago:
Alone. I don’t currently have friends that play it, but I still have a good time. Works great on Deck, and you can even make use of HDR settings, if you have an OLED version.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 2 months ago:
It’s a good time for SNES spiritual successors!
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 2 months ago:
Mostly CrossCode. A fun little sci-fi action puzzler that pays homage to the SNES era of games. It’s similar to Spirit of Mana. Low power requirements, and it has a Linux-native version that works better than the Windows version (you need updated engine files if you play from
I’m also playing a little bit of No Man’s Sky, but just here and there; I’m mostly playing that on my desktop.
- Comment on the official dock is never quite plug & play when it comes to an external display (DVI) 3 months ago:
Not saying that will fix things, but you never know!
- Comment on the official dock is never quite plug & play when it comes to an external display (DVI) 3 months ago:
I didn’t see you mention it, but have you connected it to the dock then checked for updates? The official dock gets its own set.
- Comment on Gaming 2024 3 months ago:
There’s bumpers you can add to raise up the back paddles. I wonder if those might help.
- Comment on Gaming 2024 3 months ago:
Always, when a game tries to force me to use a stick-click to sprint or I need to perform an action with ABXY while turning via right stick/pad.
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization 7 Specs Were Released And It Should Run on Steam Deck - Steam Deck HQ 4 months ago:
I think that’s a fair point, and also it’s cool that they want to try to be sensitive to a group that’s historically gotten the raw end of the deal much of the time.
It’s small progress, but better than business as usual.
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization 7 Specs Were Released And It Should Run on Steam Deck - Steam Deck HQ 4 months ago:
They’re also working with the Shawnee and their chief, who is himself a huge Civilization fan, to ensure they portray Tecumseh and his people well.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 4 months ago:
You could, but there’s no official control scheme. My experience wasn’t great, but maybe yours will be better. I just think that since there’s so many buttons (multiple toolbars, multiple menus and build modes, etc.), it’s hard to make it all work.
Maybe I’ll try my hand at a new control scheme, but it just seems built for a M+Kb. It plays well, though, so the limitation really is only the controls.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 4 months ago:
Untitled Goose Game. Silly fun.
I tried Satisfactory, but the controls just aren’t (yet) made for a controller.
- Comment on Gyro input broken on HZD? My last playthrough it was working fine, now it seems impossible to make it work. Am I an idiot or did some configuration get broken in the last year? 4 months ago:
I think you mentioned that you were mapping gyro as right stick? Is there a reason you don’t use it as a mouse instead? The Steam version I think supports dual input, no?
I can give it a try at home, but I suspect there’s something else going on. When you use gyro, are you using it when you touch the right stick? Are you using it when you touch the right pad? How is it being activated?
- Comment on Gyro input broken on HZD? My last playthrough it was working fine, now it seems impossible to make it work. Am I an idiot or did some configuration get broken in the last year? 4 months ago:
Dev wouldn’t nuke your custom profile on purpose. There’s good reasons to implement a Steam Input API in their game, most notably because they can do certain things like automatic overlay switching, which further improves the experience for most people. Losing an older profile is sometimes an unintended side effect, and there’s nothing they can do about it.
- Comment on Gyro input broken on HZD? My last playthrough it was working fine, now it seems impossible to make it work. Am I an idiot or did some configuration get broken in the last year? 4 months ago:
And to be clear, an old config can look fine, but the internal structure may have changed with how the game/steam interprets it.
This most often happens to me where the devs create an official mapping later on that can do context-aware things in the game (i.e. using more than just Xinput).
- Comment on Gyro input broken on HZD? My last playthrough it was working fine, now it seems impossible to make it work. Am I an idiot or did some configuration get broken in the last year? 4 months ago:
It’s possible the config got changed as things updated. I have had that happen with old configs before.
You might need to rebuild your config or edit a similar one.
- Comment on [Discussion] SteamOS 3.6 is nearly here, with Valve focusing on bug fixes before release. What are some bugs you've encountered (on either Stable or Beta) that you're hoping to see fixed? 4 months ago:
Ah! I actually meant to do that (saw that on another post), but the second to last Deck update broke Decky Loader’s injection sequence, so I forgot about it in the meantime.
- Comment on [Discussion] SteamOS 3.6 is nearly here, with Valve focusing on bug fixes before release. What are some bugs you've encountered (on either Stable or Beta) that you're hoping to see fixed? 4 months ago:
There’s still some crackling audio on resume from suspend, occasionally. Would love to see that bug ironed out completely.