It’s not on Steam, but my favorite casual couch co-ompetitive game is SUPER SPACE _______ made by some students at DigiPen. It’s free and absolutely amazingly frustrating but in such a fun way. All players control the same ship using only their cannons for propulsion while competing to shoot the most asteroids and together trying to steer the ship to stay alive
Best Steam Deck games under $5 in the Couch Co-Op Fest sale
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Road redemption is so much fun and I’m kind of amazed that the guy never made a sequel it seems like it would have been easy enough to keep developing. 5 weeks ago
That game looks interesting. It’s not something I would have given a second look without your recommendation, but looking at the details and reviews it sounds like it could be pretty fun. Does it work well as a multiplayer title? 5 weeks ago
It’s a great game for couch coop, vs and it works online too.
There isn’t too much to discover after you have beaten everything, but it’s great fun for any fan of road rash or comical ultra violence. 5 weeks ago
Cassette Beasts is a a great monster catching game! To me it hits the spot where the original pokemon games should have naturally progressed to 5 weeks ago
That game heats up my steam deck and burns battery like a mofo… some Godot games are brutally inefficient like that. I’m guessing CB uses older Godot 3.5? Wonder if that kind of issue is easier to avoid with the 4.x series. Oh well I like the game and love Godot engine to bits (I just make little projects for myself so far) 5 weeks ago
This is true. I recently got cassette beasts after wishlisting it on release. After about 20 minutes I looked at my battery and it had dragged down by about 25%.
What a battery hog that one is. 5 weeks ago
Have you tried forcing lower TDW? I don’t have the game, but I wonder if that would help 5 weeks ago
I’ve heard really good things about it. There’s a lot of strong competition in that space (people don’t feel pokemon is suitably meeting the needs of the genre), but it’s one of the games I hear recommended the most. 5 weeks ago
It’s definitely got similar vibes with a lot of weird interactions added to it that they don’t tell you about until you’ve already done the action.
For example, a fire type attacking an air type causes an air wall, which then blocks the next two attacks. But you don’t know that until you’ve already attacked.
A glitter type attacking any other type turns the target into a glitter type, and any element attacking a glitter type turns it into that element. That means that a battle with glitter types causes weaknesses and strengths to vary wildly throughout a battle. And battles in the game are 2V2, so it can get pretty chaotic and confusing.
Some of these buffs or debuffs don’t really make any sense and if you don’t look up interactions ahead of time, you wouldn’t expect them to happen.