This is a laughable suit. Why do you feel entitled to any kind of compensation over what Valve takes before paying developers as a consumer? If games on Steam were 30% more than games anywhere else, there might be merit to it; but that isn’t the case and it’s what this CLA is arguing.
Comment on Steam will let you sue Valve now 5 months ago
It’s because there’s effectively a class-action suit going on right now, but because the user agreement says you have to use arbitration, there were tens of thousands of people who are like “sure let’s go to arbitration”. Valve is losing tons of money having to fight all the suits.
Note: I am one of the people involved in this suit. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Honestly, that claim sounds like garbage. 5 months ago
Right, like the fuck you complaining about? You didn’t get your game at 60 percent off? You paid for the limited edition bonus starter pack?
Like I can see if your in another country and the company who puts it up for sale doesn’t price it for the region but is that steams fault? 5 months ago
Epic takes 12% IIRC. Which ones take more than steam? Not saying steam doesn’t provide any value to devs or players, because it does, but 30% is still pretty high. 5 months ago
Some people are just built to scheme and scam while feeling entitled to their desired results. I don’t understand the psychology behind it, but I’ve met enough people with this personality type to know there is no reasoning with them. 5 months ago
I’m not a lawyer so I have no clue about the legal issues, but I’m more than happy to put my name to anything that costs a corporation money. I don’t even need the money. They can take it out of Valve’s pocket and burn it for all I care. 5 months ago
Like, I don’t want to sound like a corporate shill, but Valve has been the most consumer friendly corporation I’ve ever seen. Even if they do meet the criteria for a monopoly, they are the model of what a company that finds itself as The Monopoly should be, in my opinion.
I have no intent to sign up for this “lawsuit”, even though I stand to gain some $500 from it. I hope Steam lives long and prospers. 5 months ago
Great, you should focus your efforts on different companies, Valve is one of the few good ones (so far). 5 months ago
Most of these seem to just put most of the money into corporations run by lawyers, so that doesn’t make much sense. Transferring money from one corp to the next.
Millions going to the lawyers and pennies going to the actual victims of the suit. 5 months ago
People like you are why the rest of us can’t have nice things.