Silly little pan guy.
- Comment on Sony just axed the 60fps Bloodborne mod with a DMCA takedown 1 week ago:
It would be so nice if someone had the money and the balls to actually fight against these bogus uses of the DMCA when no copyright violations are even being made.
- Comment on Steam Deck Brick Mod: No screen, no controller, and absolutely no sense, just a power button and a USB port. 2 weeks ago:
Just makes me think of Voidstar Labs. It’s useless, it involves 3D printing, and it could turn an entire gaming device into wearable tech. Amazing.
- Comment on Name your most played and most surpring game you played on Steam Deck 2024 2 weeks ago:
Elden Ring was my most played of 2024 on Steam. Which is surprising to me, personally, only because I played through SOTE it ONCE and I was done. Still has the highest hours on Steam for the whole of 2024.
But I was obsessing over Echo Project’s visual novels after finally checking out Adastra, too. Since those aren’t on Steam, this explains my stats being pretty low on Steam.
- Comment on EA will shut down the Origin app on April 2025 — company asks users to migrate to the new EA app 3 weeks ago:
I’m surprised it was even still able to be used. Last time I went to check out what I even had on my EA library and launched Origin, it wouldn’t let me do anything but get the new EA Play app.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
They don’t need anti- competitive practices to stay relevant like some other companies seem to.
The Deck is intended to allow games not even made for Linux to run on it. Having games not actually designed for the system working well on the system is more of a flex than purposely getting devs to optimize for it.
- Comment on Minecraft tool lets you create scale replicas of real-world locations 5 weeks ago:
Gonna make my city so I can blow up city hall with Creepers 😃
- Comment on A 3D printed keyboard case for Steam Deck 1 month ago:
It’s just an off the shelf keyboard put into the 3D printed case, right? Or is the keyboard also DIY made?
- Comment on Balatro Dev Calls Out PEGI For "Real Gambling" Rating Hypocrisy Vs. EA Sports FC 1 month ago:
I don’t think there is a less objectionable game out there.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
Dude played Candy Crush one time and thinks he’s a hardcore gamer who knows what other gamers want.
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 3 months ago:
Isn’t that generally how Valve operates on the whole anyway? They don’t set out to make products; they just do what they want and if they actually finish it, they sell it.
- Comment on Gaming 2024 3 months ago:
me doing all 3 in bed
- Comment on Nintendo, famed for hating emulation, likely using Windows PCs to emulate SNES games at its museum 3 months ago:
If Nintendo was smart, they’d just provide the means to obtain older games somehow, forever, and not the dripfed method of providing games on the Classics Store as part of a subscription where most of the games offered are garbage games most people haven’t even heard of before seeing them in there.
- Comment on Players will need a quiet place if they want to survive the A Quiet Place game 3 months ago:
unplugs microphone
Now I can make all the damn noise I want!
- Comment on What do you prefer for audio? Earphones, headphones, speakers? 4 months ago:
It’s not the back that bothers me, it’s the feeling of something on my head. I don’t like wearing glasses or masks (I still do when necessary; but it irritates me) either. Just thinking about it is making my ears hot rn.
- Comment on What do you prefer for audio? Earphones, headphones, speakers? 4 months ago:
I would probably prefer headphones if I could stand wearing things on my ears longer than 30 minutes. Even if they’re super comfortable and don’t squeeze my ears, after a bit they start feeling hella hot and like they’re being squeezed.
- Comment on Epic knows its game store social features ‘suck,’ but it wants to fix that 4 months ago:
It’s just one of the many, many things Steam does that Epic does not. It’s not the be all end all, and simply adding a friend’s list and a chat is not going to enough to make EGS revenant.
- Comment on Steam will let you sue Valve now 4 months ago:
This is a laughable suit. Why do you feel entitled to any kind of compensation over what Valve takes before paying developers as a consumer? If games on Steam were 30% more than games anywhere else, there might be merit to it; but that isn’t the case and it’s what this CLA is arguing.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto Online Reportedly Broken On Steam Deck 4 months ago:
The fact that Rockstar didn’t notice this is frankly shocking and speaks to the fact that they really just don’t care.
In this case it’s more to do with the size of the company and the fact that the programmers don’t get the time to look through and find everything. Even if they did know about it, they may not get the time or resources to fix it because they have schedules and deadlines.
They almost immediately fixed the problem when that modder came to them with the fix and they even paid him a bounty for it.
- Comment on What are some good flight simulator games? 5 months ago:
For what you’re describing, yes Ace Combat would be pretty close. It’s not really a simulator, it’s an arcade style shoot 'em up played in 3rd person using jets, along with a very anime-ish storyline.
If you want an actual simulator, there’s varying degrees of simulation you can get. DCS has combat oriented stuff but I don’t know if it has actual missions to use the weapons. Arma 3 has a good flight sim built on top of the milsim, and it’s just a sandbox so you can make your own missions with things to blow up in your jet. War Thunder is also extremely detailed in the flight sim if you play in the realism modes.
- Comment on Steam now identifies reviews that come from Steam Deck players 5 months ago:
If this is to give more context to reviews that give poor reviews for the performance of a game, why don’t they just have the user’s full system specs visible somewhere? They do already collect that info.
- Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 5 months ago:
Being a professional just means you get paid for it.
Professional gamers get paid to play games.
- Comment on Valve confirms it'll support the ROG Ally with its Steam Deck operating system 5 months ago:
I saw an ad for this thing on TV the other day. IDK why, but seeing things like this on TV always makes me giddy ever since I first saw Secret of Mana advertised on TV. Seeing new tech (and video games before a certain time) is like seeing a unicorn.
- Comment on [Help] Game hours in offline mode are not added to the library when you have internet access. 5 months ago:
It doesn’t even keep track of time spent playing non-Steam games through Steam, which is equally ridiculous IMO.
- Comment on What do you use the back buttons for? 8 months ago:
Going back.
- Comment on Elden Ring 8 months ago:
Well I can’t help much with the technical stuff (haven’t had any issues to solve) but here are some tips to help with the difficulty:
If you started as a Vagabond, unequip 1 of the weapons and maybe your gloves so you’re not fat rolling right off the bat. Class starts with a set of heavy armor, a sword and shield and a halberd and begins the game already overloaded, which will make avoiding attacks harder.
Rest at the site of grace that’s just north of the big camp but before the gates going up toward Stormveil so you can meet Melina and get Torrent as well as unlock the ability to level up.
Immediately after doing the previous thing, go back to Kale (the Santa Clause looking guy) and talk to the girl that will be there and get the summon bell and your first summon.
You’re directed to go to the castle in front of you when you start, but it’s intended for around level 20-30 so you’ll need to cut your teeth on some easier stuff. Instead of proceeding toward Stormveil, head south to the Weeping Peninsula. It’s a slightly lower level area than where you begin the game, and there is also a couple merchants with extremely useful tools like the lantern which will allow you to more easily explore caves, mines, and crypts without giving up your off-hand for a torch. There is also a good, pretty easy legacy dungeon to conquer there that will give you some goodies and runes to level up.
Hemorrhage (blood loss) is one of the best status effects in the game, and almost every corporeal enemy in the game is weak to it. Bleed builds are essentially putting the game on easy mode. The Samurai class begins with an Uchitigana which has the effect, and you can easily find a second Uchigigana in the early game to dual-wield them.
Rune Fragments can be thrown to distract enemies. Throw the stone where you want an enemy to look, and if it was close enough for them to hear, they will investigate giving you a chance to sneak by or backstab them. You can also hit someone directly with them or a knife or other thrown object to pull them into aggro away from a group (though there are some spots where this aggros everything so use wisely).
- Comment on Elden Ring 8 months ago:
Is the experience bad because of technical issues or because it’s a hard game and you’re not good at it?
- Comment on Valve Working on Video Clip Recording and Sharing in Steam Client 8 months ago:
I remember asking for this a lot back when Shadowplay (I think that’s what it was called?) first came out. Valve time is a helluva drug.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 8 months ago:
Is Valve even truly interested in being part of the competition? All their hardware offerings seem more like prototypes or proofs of concept, and the details for other manufacturers to build on the idea are available. Like their strategy to inject competition in these spheres is more just lighting a fire under the asses of other manufacturers to get them making the hardware instead of Valve.
- Comment on It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine 8 months ago:
What value do they have? They were just custom prebuilt PCs running a special version of Linux that weren’t that much cheaper than a non-Steam Machine PC. Nothing is stopping you from building a PC and installing the same OS running on the Deck and then calling it a Steam Machine.
- Comment on What are some mainstream game series where you really do need to start from the first game? 9 months ago:
Even if the stories don’t connect, I always would recommend starting at the earliest point in a series and moving forward, since this allows for a better appreciation of the evolution of the game over several iterations rather than being disappointed by the regression you would see going backwards or jumping around.