Do you really, truly believe that everything that’s never been done before is a 100% sure bet to invest time and money into?
Do you really have no idea of how complex, untested, but potentially viable ideas come to fruition, come to be found out as coherent and workable vs incoherent and non workable?
… You are aware that matchsticks were essentially invented by the scattershot approach of a man who just had the time, funding, and materials to just basically randomly test a whole bunch of chemical compounds, and he just happened to accidentally drag a stick covered in concoction #38 or whatever against a hearth, whereupon it burst into flame?
… Do you think the Wright Brothers, or any other early experiments of developing flying machines… or all those involved in early rocketry… do you think all of those people were 100% sure that each of their designs would work? 4 weeks ago
I’m sure 0% of them did but 100% of them were researching to find products to sell. 4 weeks ago
Nothing worth doing is ever worth doing just for money. You’ll never innovate if you never put time into projects simply for practice, or better still, enjoyment. 4 weeks ago
That’s just pure non-sense.