Comment on [News] SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'

<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Except SteamOS is also just “a linux box running steam”

You can basically count on this as a rule, whenever you're saying something reductive like this, You are probably missing something really critical.

In this case that critical thing you're missing is ease of use and support.

I'm not putting a Linux distro under my couch because I know that almost as a fact that computer will break in some strange way, and I will have to dig that stupid thing out from under my TV, plug it into some stupid monitor keyboard and mouse, and fix it by following a guide on Google, reinstall the operating system to whatever the hot flavor of the month that actually has developer support is, that sort of thing.

But I would happily install steam OS, because I know I would drop steam OS on that box and it would just work for however long valve has a successful hardware line, which at this point I think is going to be a decade given the success of the steam deck.
