Comment on Huge win for Internet freedom: Google must sell its Chrome browser 3 months ago
Mixed feelings on this.
I’m not entirely sure the internet landscape will change that much with google selling the browser side of their business and might only result in less funding and security for web browsers as a whole.
I say this as a Firefox user, fwiw. I honestly don’t think people only use chrome because google products work better on chrome. Frankly, I’ve never had a problem with a google service on a firefox browser. 3 months ago
Yeah, for all people here complain about every web browser being chrome, the average web browser experience is so much better now than it was when Microsoft controlled the typical web browser.
Google is far from perfect, but the chromium project has resulted in a generally good browser. But I have serious doubts about the future of the chromium project in the hands of Meta or some other tech giant.