Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 22 hours agoif the refurbished ones come with warranty like the new ones
they have the regular warranty. it’s basically one of their selling points.
But also: have you tried unplugging the battery and reconnecting it? maybe the connection is a bit flaky 21 hours ago
I didn’t try because there were a couple ribbony clip things on top of it and I didn’t feel comfortable removing them, but I’ll try that next chance I get. 21 hours ago
yeah, understandable. the ribbon is there to help pull it out. it pulls out sideways, which is a bit awkward. You can check ifixit disassembly tutorial to seee how to best do it 20 hours ago
While looking up warranty info, I stumbled upon the ifixit stuff and planned on following their guide, so I’m at least good there.