No, there was one next more “optical image” after Blue-rays. Archive Disc mainly used for backups in companies dealing with lots of images. Biggest one could take 2TB per disc, as much as tape drives. However, they didn’t get adoption and it has been discontinued. Sadly
Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks agoJellyfin/Plex + Sonarr/Radarr + Usenet + HDDs/SSDs
HDDs/SSDs are a form of physical recordable media with FAR more capacity and speed than any optical medium 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Biggest one could take 2TB per disc
I mean it’s cool for a disc, but HDDs still beat that, Seagate just released a 36TB HDD to mass market, optical always lags behind on storage density and speed 5 weeks ago
From wiki:
Sony used Archival Disc in their Optical Disc Archive professional archival product range, and aimed to create at least a 6-TB storage medium. As of 2020, they offered 5.5 TB Optical Disc Archive Cartridges.[14][15][16]
That limit I mentioned has nothing with the ‘technological limit’. Simply enough they lost with the adoption - if the clients wanted, they would get bigger archival discs. 5 weeks ago
I’m aware, I’ve done heavy research for my own mass cold archival plans.
It’s a physics problem is why it lags behind HDDs so much, and to reach that 6TB on optical it’s a cartridge with literal multiple discs inside. Adoption or no, it was never going to reach storage density parity with HDDs. Hell, even SSDs are having a difficult time taking on HDDs storage density 5 weeks ago
Tape drives go currently to 18TB with LTO9 5 weeks ago
If there are no more discs to rip how will people get the movies and shows in the first place? 5 weeks ago
For all their efforts in DRM, Netflix et al have thus far failed to prevent people from ripping their highest quality streams and torrenting them
My setup has had 0 issues grabbing the latest “streaming only” content very quickly after release 5 weeks ago
Having watched some of my favorites on Netflix, even with their 4K offering, the compression can kill a scene. Netflix has no incentive to provide the 0.1% of viewers who care a better quality stream, so they don’t. 5 weeks ago
I’ve learned one thing in my time on the internet.
If there is a will, there is a way and yo ho fiddle dee dee they sure will find it. 5 weeks ago
Webrips mate.