Supersquirrel, I really appreciate the effort you put into your game recommendations
longish response :P TL;DR thank you!
Thanks, I know I can be intense and word vomit up stuff sometimes, but I feel like the best way I can add to the fediverse is indie game recommendations at the end of the day lol… so it makes me happy to hear that, thank you! People spend a lot of time talking about how small the fediverse is, but in someways I am shocked by how small the rest of the open internet feels these days in certain niches. One of those is personal, good game recommendations for oddball or indie games that aren’t video format and aren’t hosted on ad-infested gaming websites that have long since had their soul ripped out by some company that bought them up… It is really fun to contribute recommendations here, this place already feels so vibrant for how comically obscure of a corner of the internet it is lol. I might as well spend my time contributing game recommendation here, because here I can know I am contributing to a community not a company’s property that can be shut down and locked away. I know that even if this instance gets shut down that my recommendations will have been copied by multitudes of other instances that interacted with the instance I put my recommendation on, and if people found it useful or helpful it will keep bouncing around somewhere. For me it feels then like a joy to spend an inordinate amount of energy and time on thoughtful indie game recommendations, especially because this is such a difficult time for the industry, I want indie game developers to get paid so they don’t give up on making amazing games! 4 days ago
Due process was amazing and it just died way too soon to reach its potential. 4 days ago
Yeah, unfortunately with any game that requires a decent number of online users to work, it’s not enough to just be a great game. You need either luck or a lot of money to spend on advertising to get the necessary player amounts to function. 4 days ago
Or have a singleplayer mode to at least give people a reason to stick around. 4 days ago
A good bot system would salvage this game for the few fans it has… If only.