Comment on The Fake Xinjiang Allegations Caused me to Lose my Job & Friends

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I'm as white as they come, that's part of why it is so infuriating. I too try to remain calm, it has been months since I lost my temper and that was when someone (not an elderly person) laughed in my face while telling me that Iraq deserved the invasion and that it didn't matter that a million people died in the desert because these people were and will always be savages.

Often asking people what they know about a topic and what they've read. Asking who after Xi Jinping is the most powerful man in China when discussing the CPC and asking some geographical questions or even bringing up Adrian Zenz/Falun Gong when discussing Xinjiang gives me enough of a window into their lack of understanding and often that they're often proud of not knowing more when compared to myself who in their eyes is completely brainwashed. In their eyes, their ignorance wins over my brainwashing.
