Comment on The Fake Xinjiang Allegations Caused me to Lose my Job & Friends

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

But the thing is, as long as these people don’t actively fight against China, they might still be worth a shot.

I made the mistake of saying that I got interested in socialism due to China and that I'm in support of SWCC. I thought they didn't have anything against China, only to find out that they (I'm in the Netherlands) copy-pasted most of the talking from the Communist Party of Belgium to show a semblance of activity. They didn't hold those views, or at least the recruiter I talked to didn't. And seeing as the other two people in that organization are still ghosting me after 2+ weeks I'm not holding out hope.

I wish there was a communist party that is transnational. As I don't plan on staying in this country.
