Comment on The Fake Xinjiang Allegations Caused me to Lose my Job & Friends

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

simply lack the resources for it

(Before COVID) if you put in the effort you could literally send a few dozen party members to study in China on the cost of the government without too much hassle (as long as they were below the age of 25). China has a quota for students of Western countries that never gets fulfilled. They literally set aside money that has to be spent on e.g. students from France, but if they only have 10 students from France while they budgeted for 100; guess what happens(ed). Those 10 French students get an inflated scholarship, and literally, get several times the scholarship someone from let's say Madagascar gets.

Want to become a climate activist lawyer? China has an English language degree for that. Want to become a doctor? China has a degree for that. And afterwards, you can speak Chinese and you have the contacts (if you didn't waste your time in university) that you could leverage to get business loans to set up companies abroad. Whether it be in the West or the global south.

Want to know what it takes to organize a political party? The Chinese don't care; they'll let you sit in on meetings and will spend their evenings looking up documents to give you a proper foundation. It was already a meme that the Chinese embassy/consulate would send a copy of the Governance of China to anyone who asked, but that's the thing: that's just the tip.

The CPC is there to help. But outreach has to come from outside. The CPC won't try to meddle in your affairs as that'd go against your right to self-determination. I've met people from Tanzania, Indonesia, Pakistan, Madagascar, Russia, and more who have taken them up on the offer. What's up with these moribund communist chapters in the West that feel like they've already won in the war of ideas and are merely dealt a bad hand? Last I checked none of these groups has set up a socialist publishing house, heck a book print on demand machine is $20k new. Did they and I read the same Marx and Lenin? Last I checked being able to print your own propaganda was pretty fucking important. /rant
