Comment on Kind of like a politician? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This is yet another example of classism. Santa is not of the upper or ruling class.

First off, Santa doesn’t simply work one day per year. His workload is on similar levels to God. He must be omnipotent 365 days per year to ensure his nice and naughty list is flawless. Just because people only see him work one day per year doesn’t mean that’s all he’s doing. Think of all the work you have to do in your daily job that the average Joe doesn’t see. Same thing here.

He’s on the clock 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and around Christmas time he’s got to be available at thousands of different grottos simultaneously to ask kids what they want for Christmas. That’s no mean feat! That in itself should show that Santa doesn’t simply work one day per year!

The ruling class have you wrapped around their little finger if they have you believing that Santa is a lazy fucker! He puts the rest of us to shame! You! With your measly little 8 hour working day, 5 days per week. Pah!

Don’t let them bring us down to fight amongst ourselves, it’s the ruling class who need to be abolished, not Santa!
