- Comment on This is how dumplings were invented 1 year ago:
- Comment on Sdrawkcab suseJ 1 year ago:
- Comment on BREAKING NEWS 1 year ago:
Isn’t this a bit misogynistic? To say this about a villain because she’s a woman? Or is there a relevant event I’m unaware of?
- Comment on It's like a foodie version of a fleeting love story. 1 year ago:
I’ve seen places like this. You only notice them late at night when all the lights are off elsewhere. Operated infrequently cuz it’s just a family joint and they got other stuff to do. But you chance upon them at the right time and oh man is it worth it.
- Comment on We were warned. 1 year ago:
smh no translations as “om nom” or “yummy yummy yummy”? 😡
- Comment on Microchips 1 year ago:
second wojack should have been the crying soyjack holding a smiling mask
- Comment on imdoingmypart.jpg 1 year ago:
Hey that’s pretty neat, did you collage all the memes that you’ve posted into the pot?
- Comment on How was your day? 1 year ago:
I like mine
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
“hmpf I prefer my psychosis with proper punctuation”
- Comment on Discord rule 1 year ago:
that’s pretty standard for just about any major server. not too hard to spell stuff. there’s a keyboard shortcut that lets you hold the emoji menu open.
- Comment on Kind of like a politician? 1 year ago:
His workload is on similar levels to God.
Doesn’t that mean the workload is infinitesimally small? Since the god of Abe is allegedly omniscient, omnipotent, and infinite then any job will be a breeze